31st March 2012

Passing an hour for the Earth

Another Earth Hour is underway. I’ve turned off the lights around the house, and the visiting dog didn’t protest. The computers are still working; this is not a simulation of a disaster. Outside, little sign that my neighbours follow trends. In less than an hour, we’ll be back to life as usual. One difference. We actually thought about the idea of using a little less energy, if only for a heartbeat.

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30th March 2012

An appeal to a genius

After my failed attempt(s) to reset the family iPod a few days back, I decided to go and see a genius. At the Store, if you understand the terminology. And although it required making an appointment, going out for a fabulous smoked meat sandwich and checking out overpriced camera  lenses, the return visit meant that the iPod went back to its original (stupid as a sack of sand) state. Hurrah! They (meaning the genii) have better software on their laptops. Same weak batteries, but the forgotten password is now forgotten.

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posted in computing, technology | Comments Off on An appeal to a genius | 260 words

29th March 2012

Dodging a bullet

When I least expected it, the communion of language and music left me breathless…

Jake – “All this foolishness over a fiddle”.
Finn – “It’s a violin“.

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posted in humour, politics | Comments Off on Dodging a bullet | 290 words

28th March 2012

Please, show the woman a moose

Sorry kids. I know I’m not supposed to watch that TV show that deals with famous celebrities, but some evenings, in the grey period between supper and real episodes, the remote goes there, all by itself. I swear.

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posted in computing, humour | Comments Off on Please, show the woman a moose | 253 words

27th March 2012

Cold? Stormy? Normal!

Might be getting older, but I’m not getting any brighter. This is Canada, and this is March. Those days of sunshine and snow melt were just an illusion. What magicians refer to as the “prestige” (I think).. The windchill this morning of -18C, and the knock down drag them take no prisoners snow blow down on the Island were just normal observations. Weather can’t be predicted…

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posted in politics, Wx | Comments Off on Cold? Stormy? Normal! | 264 words

26th March 2012

Locked out of jail

For the last couple of hours, I’ve been climbing that old learning curve. Haven’t fallen off, but my progress is stuck back around the first 5% of the road. No pass mark here.

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posted in humour | Comments Off on Locked out of jail | 283 words

25th March 2012

Talent and nostalgia

An afternoon of entertainment, lightly flavoured from the nostalgia jar, but involving talent that has proven that age makes no difference.

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24th March 2012

Awaiting the fourth ballot

My opinions are not universally accepted. Not even in my own home. Learned that, last evening, when I expressed my sentiment about the proposed tuition hike. I stood alone.

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posted in economy, politics | Comments Off on Awaiting the fourth ballot | 269 words

23rd March 2012

A reflection on the degree of free

Dear student of life, (from another student)

Along the way, we’re all called upon to pay for stuff. Let’s ignore for now whether we need that stuff, and let’s assume that we all have the means to pay, even if it involves a line of credit and a mortgage. Or a governmental deficit.

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posted in education | Comments Off on A reflection on the degree of free | 364 words

22nd March 2012

Severe software support

No delay in getting home this afternoon. No demonstrators. No interest, apparently.

Locally, an estimated 30,000 students held an official day of protest against the university tuition increase. 1500 found the waiting buses and joined the crowd in Montreal. 27,500 did not. My calculator talks about 5% participation, and doesn’t even blush.

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posted in computing | Comments Off on Severe software support | 268 words

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