29th December 2021

Today as I saw it


Today as I saw i

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26th December 2021

As seen from the actuarial angle

Later in life, we recall odd things. Like, from high school, the bi-weekly visits from the “guidance counsellors. He, in a gray suit, and she, in a beige blouse. They may have had names, but that wasn’t of lasting importance. The came equipped with the tools of their trade: mimeographed handouts on the various professions we might wish to follow, once finished with our basic educations.

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13th December 2021

Read a good book

Read a good book, they said. And so I did. Many, actually. But here we are in the ‘20s. An update is is order. Fifty years ago (yes, I AM that old), I had time to take a single book and discover it. Digest it. Now, my forward looking timeline says that I should gorge on tweets. And YT videos. Life (the remaining part) is too brief to get hung up on character development and plot lines. There. I’ve said it. Moving ahead.

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11th December 2021

But will there be war?

Stuck in the middle of a situation. Today’s  informal study in animal behavior. We have our loaner dog, here. And for the record, dogs and humans share a lot of DNA and a lot of manners for dealing with a potential rival. The bed, the couch, the food bowls; all the same.

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4th December 2021

Is it still a parade, if nobody marches?

Following the lead of a classmate (thanks, Bob) I joined a band, (a long time ago). Not what you think; this was a classic English brass ensemble, and we had uniforms.  Spent the autumn going to weekly practice in a small hall, and then prepared for our first public appearance. Not the ban’s; they had been around for a ling time (if I could go by the old, framed photographs  in the hall. Anyhow, there was grumbling about how I  wasn’t wearing high sidewalls, below my uniform cap.

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30th November 2021

Check your change (purse)

But, it could be important: Canada wonders if we are due (overdue?) for an upgraded coat of arms. The one that used to be seen on certain coins. Remember coins? In this case, the Fifty cent piece. At a bet (safe one), there are none of these in your back pocket, or the family change purse. The thing is, duringr the last century, there have been a few changes in the bigger Canadian story. We added one province, for sure. Changed the name of a couple of those mysterious territories that many will never visit, in a lifetime. Became a true nation, with our own rule of law.

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26th November 2021

And then, we have Ian, from Tull

Anyone who has passed through the mill of musical education will understand where I’m coming from. Yes, a teacher is a good thing. No, a teacher cannot take all the praise for someone who moves beyond the basics of study on a given instrument. You can’t teach everything.  Now, what set that off?

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22nd November 2021

Could a brief nap provide inspiration?

Well, so much for that idea. I had come up with a bright idea: if I was to pretend to fall asleep, after a large meal, I could get one of those thought streams that seem so wonderful, at the time. A whole post, composed while threading my way through a dream field.  

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4th November 2021

Came in through the window

Look, a new rig! In the field, this evening, the biggest tricycle I’ve ever see. Special machine, tasked with spreading lime before the winter begins. And the job was over and done before we understood the implications. There’s going to be another crop, of something, next year. Else, why spend money on  extras. Now we wait for the new growth, to discover what will be our “farm view” in ’22. Just the anticipation of watching something novel (and amazing) spring forth already takes the edge off a winter that hasn’t started.

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23rd October 2021

How I tried to go to prison

ON my scorecard of “life experience”, I have a glaring hole. I’ve never been in jail. I have driven by a jail, but that doesn’t count. It has been repurposed into a pizza place, if memory serves. Anyhow, I did try, once, to get into jail.

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