7th December 2021

Clean schools for everyone!

If your news is local, this matters: a local school is closed this week, due to infection. Tomorrow, four more will close as a precautionary  measure. That doesn’t leave much wiggle room, in a small area like ours. We’ve been really fortunate (lucky?) until now, but this says that the runup to the holidays just took a turn for the worse.

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26th November 2021

And then, we have Ian, from Tull

Anyone who has passed through the mill of musical education will understand where I’m coming from. Yes, a teacher is a good thing. No, a teacher cannot take all the praise for someone who moves beyond the basics of study on a given instrument. You can’t teach everything.  Now, what set that off?

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posted in education, music | Comments Off on And then, we have Ian, from Tull | 266 words

25th November 2021

Shorten my wish list, if that’s possible

Those endless Black Friday ads, which should end after this week, remind me that there are many things I could have in my home that are impractical but novel. Things I don’t actually own, yet. I’m going to focus on a particular range of items that might interest me.

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posted in music | Comments Off on Shorten my wish list, if that’s possible | 281 words

6th November 2021

Thank you for the music

At around midnight, in the various time zones worldwide, a new record album was released. CD, streaming, whatever your mode. By breakfast, the various songs were already charting at #1 (is the Top Forth still a “thing”?) And as the fan base came wake, my children weren’t even invited to the hysteria. You see, after forty years, ABBA is back!

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26th October 2021

Almost a memory moment

On my timeline, a photo of a rock band with a familiar name. In fact, the guitar player was the band leader, back when they performed at my high school, a full half-century ago. I will squash the name, to protect the aged. But here’s the thing; since we don’t get much live music nowadays (blame it on the pandemic, or the fulgurant cost of tickets, or whatever). The memories of the bands we did see hold a special niche in the brain.

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12th October 2021

Another piece of our collective musical knowledge

Every day, I assume, we lose a musician to death. I don’t need a list. I don’t need one of those “we remember” sequences on an award show. We just do.

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posted in music | Comments Off on Another piece of our collective musical knowledge | 265 words

11th October 2021

Musically predictive

I’m going to play a little game here. Musical. Just for fun. Imagine a song. Go ahead, I’m not judgemental.  Perhaps you really vibe to Happy Birthday.

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10th October 2021

For some, it is just too loud

They were different times, apparently. Right now, the vaccine question rears huge on the social horizon. In certain areas, you are “for” or “against”. No middone (or common) ground. Now, I’ve been alive long enough to have received a number of important inoculations. And for the life of me (because, due to those inoculations, I have life).

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posted in health, music | Comments Off on For some, it is just too loud | 295 words

23rd September 2021

Waiting for a muse

Did you hear my new song? Of course you didn’t. That refers to a possible future event, and we are not there, yet. Somewhere, on my bucket list, is a great musical moment. Involving me. And when the gears of progress are turning ever-so-slowly, it might take a while before I become famous.

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16th September 2021

A world with limited tunes

How did people exist (musically) before YouTube? I’m old enough to remember how grim things were.

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