5th November 2021

Dodged a big data bullet

Imagine it as an act of faith. We commit the majority of our data to mechanical contraptions that we refer to as hard drives, with only a small number of us actually understanding the mechanics involved.

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2nd November 2021

And all at speeds below the posted limits

Some parts of the TV metaverse have changed from back when I was a young buck. Right now, in the background, a new series called “The Morning Show” (or by it’s alternate title “Holy F-Bomb Batman!”) I had not imagined that the sweet young thing from “Friends”, Rachel, had such a potty mouth. My money would have been on Feebs.

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21st October 2021

The harvest is in

The harvest is in. This would have been a reason for rejoicing, in earlier times. Now, it’s just a detail in my life. The field below here is not mine. I don’t plow it, or sow it, or send in the crews to gather in the crop. I just watch what goes on, with the same level of understanding that my dog offers when he sees me doing things that don’t concern him. The machines drove away, late this afternoon, and we’ll have no late night spraying for another three years. On that note, let the party begin.

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4th October 2021

Service outage

Early October, 2021. In the news… only one thing, really. For reasons unknown, Facebook and the satellite services of Instagram and WhatsApp are MIA. Don’t blame your local ISP; this time we’re global. Millions and millions of people, hitting refresh and weeping. Nothing. No news. Your library of memes, unreachable. Why, things are so bad that the actual FB employees are wandering aimlessly. Some are locked out of their office building, and others why go inside earlier today can’t go from room to room. Prisoners.  From the official channels, a huge shoulder shrug.

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19th September 2021

Both fast and true

At the age of six, most of us had the world figured out. We knew we could ride a horse (despite never having actually done so). We had the running of a steam locomotive as part of our skill sets (despite never having actually even seen one). And we could handle all firearms. All of them. Again, despite never having seen anything other than a single shot .22 rifle.

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16th September 2021

A world with limited tunes

How did people exist (musically) before YouTube? I’m old enough to remember how grim things were.

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21st August 2021

Hurricane on track

Imagine that! I efilled two cylinders, to the best of my abilities this evening. I mean, the next time my bubbly machine goes flat, I want to be ready. Just in case. Try to explain to a visitor that they will have to wait for water, while I play with a compressed gas cylinder. Not me. Make everything as invisible as the gas, if you will.

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5th August 2021

Recalling those Seven League boots

I admit, my own travel experiences are limited. Bit of hometown boy, be I. But I grew up with the idea that the TV would broaden all horizons. Still does, when I take the time to wade through the hundreds of channels now available. This evening, I want to recall how it all began, for me. How old am I?

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17th July 2021

Shoehorned content

This post is going to be shoehorned into a hole in my calendar; somehow, yesterday became today without my noticing. Here’s the short (or maybe long) version. The blog stopped working. I waited for a day, and then logged in via the maintenance website. Checked my source code. Grabbed a copy (two, actually) of the database. Called for help in a chat window.

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15th June 2021

Inspected to ensure safety

This province has rules. For example, your vehicle must be inspected to assure safety is foremost. And it must be inspected every year, unless you decide to park it (safely) until the pandemic passes. The rig is back in the driveway, and we’ve paid the fee of $30 plus taxes. No big deal. Unless you count in the “rider” on the receipt; we need new shoes in the rear. Dually shoes. About a grand plus taxes. Part of that TCO that I didn’t used to understand.

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