2nd January 2022

We have a new calendar

The day of the week no longer matters. I could, at this point, easily shift to  five day week. Or one of twenty. As long as we arrive at the solstice, all together, life will go on. I mean, the planet has been doing this for a very long time, and calling something Monday doesn’t make it so.

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15th November 2021

My stubborn path to a new software skill

Don’t look for me on Instagram. I’m not an influencer, I’m not a model and I really look uncomfortable when holding a fork near the dessert place. Plus, desserts (pie vs cake vs a fruit salad with an excess of melon) are too sweet.

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5th November 2021

Dodged a big data bullet

Imagine it as an act of faith. We commit the majority of our data to mechanical contraptions that we refer to as hard drives, with only a small number of us actually understanding the mechanics involved.

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4th October 2021

Service outage

Early October, 2021. In the news… only one thing, really. For reasons unknown, Facebook and the satellite services of Instagram and WhatsApp are MIA. Don’t blame your local ISP; this time we’re global. Millions and millions of people, hitting refresh and weeping. Nothing. No news. Your library of memes, unreachable. Why, things are so bad that the actual FB employees are wandering aimlessly. Some are locked out of their office building, and others why go inside earlier today can’t go from room to room. Prisoners.  From the official channels, a huge shoulder shrug.

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23rd August 2021

Little wind and less light

We are not becalmed, as they used to say. I live far from the Doldrums, and around here the breeze is a fact of life. So, if you noticed from my weather station that its blowing zero, it’s a lie. Or at least a mechanical malfunction. I went out, several times, and used a pole to swat things back into spin mode, but I’m unwilling to spend the night trying to watch. Flashlight and me, poor pair. Tomorrow, if the gale ends, I’ll try to take things down for a closer look. I hate climbing a stepladder when I might get tossed overboard.

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8th July 2021

Update, upgrade or replace

Having a mission to complete gives purpose to my life.  Right now, I’m tasked with upgrading the maps in the onboard navigation system of the RV.

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8th April 2021

Actual proof of perfection

Based on the number of hints I’ve received over the last few days, it’s time to unpack my toys and get something done in the new basement. Put the radio gear on display, and put the music gear within reach. I can do this: it’s not my first time.

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28th January 2021

Selling shorts as high, or something like that

To play a game, you have to understand the rules. Doesn’t matter the game, really. Football, high finance; all depend on the players knowing how to win (and lose).

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21st January 2021

Bench envy

An acquaintance from my old office is showing off his latest acquisition, and I have so many questions. First of all, the photo shows a very high-tech chair, with praise for the comfort level. All I want to know is: does this mean he’s now working from home? You see, years ago, we campaigned in our cubicle farm to get better seats. We hung photos of better furniture in our respective spaces. We dropped hints to those who were paid to assure our safety and comfort (emphasis implied). We stood around, more than we should, to show that the cushions under our posteriors were insufficient. Nothing. Nada. Not even hand-me-downs from those with bigger desks.

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15th December 2020

A return on my investment

After spending twenty minutes completing some sort of online order form, which promises to make me richer due to a class action lawsuit, I pressed return. Oh, right; seems that we all paid too much for our operating systems, back when, and if I can wait until 2022, someone will send me a cheque: around $45, as a reward for my attention to details. You can use Google to find out when the various iterations of MS-DOS were released; it was a long time ago.

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