8th April 2021

Actual proof of perfection

posted in computing |

Based on the number of hints I’ve received over the last few days, it’s time to unpack my toys and get something done in the new basement. Put the radio gear on display, and put the music gear within reach. I can do this: it’s not my first time.

Meanwhile, it is also time to get the BBQ back on the deck. A lift, a lug, some shame over the amount of carbon. Eventually, I can burn some steaks. Maybe by the weekend. Only two days away, you say? I can still do this. I work well under implied stress.

And that goes double for the deck furniture. Uphill all the way, but I need the exercise.

I took the new surge suppressor out to the wall plug by the garage. It worked well. I mean, there were no sudden surges, so that must mean something. Now to design a theft deterrence cable, in case we ever return to a public camping area. I am optimistic!

Not much else happening. My initial attempt to install this year’s tax reporting software failed, due to a simple decision on the part of the programmers to pretend Windows 7 is no longer a thing. Yes, the initial release was a dozen years ago, but in the absence of anything better I’ve avoided change. Now, I’ll move to another computer (we have several around here) and pretend that it was my choice. What were the programmers thinking? No more system updates is simply an admission of perfection! Come on! Did  Win 10 improve anything (other than the M$oft cash flow)?


This entry was posted on Thursday, April 8th, 2021 at 19:13 and is filed under computing. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 262 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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