16th December 2021

no immediate plans to go camping

Sit back. Relax. Ignore that small twinge of pain from your lower back. Probably nothing of importance.

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12th December 2021

But does it go up, or down?

I made it through many years of education. And none required me to study economic theory. I should have know that the really interesting stuff would be classified as too difficult for people like me.

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19th November 2021

Your price is going (up)

There it is! A forecast of iffy weather, with a lot of rain. Meanwhile, just across the way (the water), a promise of a full blown snow storm, with high winds and enough snow to require assistance. So, what will it be? The stretch of open water may be insufficient to  stop the snow swirl. Only a couple of days to go. Best get in some bread and milk, just in case.

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28th October 2021

Those one-try stickers are crazy

Who knew? Turns out that a lifetime of driving experience might not be enough, if you have to take a test in a different country. To be fair, I almost passed. And my wrong answers were dealing with rules of the place, rather than an overview of my talent. A confession: I had no idea how many days I had to notify the constabulary, should I be involved in a minor traffic accident. Next time, I’ll read the manual through (at least one time) before assuming that my skill set is a transferable one.

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9th October 2021

Food, or soap?

There’s a new  test in our kitchen. If I see a nicely decorated, mouth-sized sample of anything, I now read the label. Turns out that locally prepared soaps and locally prepared candies have much in common. They (names aren’t important) haven’t caught me yet, but I know it is an eventuality. Especially since soaps and confections share a lot of odours.

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5th October 2021

Dead batteries? I hope that’s all it is

It could be that I’ve delayed this one job for too long. I have an antenna, and I have special test equipment that will verify that antenna and let me know the fund stuff: resonant points, SWR, etc. The test gear is battery operated, and after finding things “dead in the water”, I’ve put it on trickel charge.

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29th September 2021

Our calendar is flexible


Our refrigerator collects odd things. Photos of other people’s children. A detailed recycling/garbage schedule. And most importantly, a calendar that details future appointments, of sorts. We have a special sliding date sticker that shows when the border to the US might reopen for vehicle traffic. It’s been sliding, month after month, for more than a year and a half; the latest forecast is next October 21st. I feel secure in knowing that I don’t have any travel option involving four wheels on the ground any time soon.

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15th September 2021

Costs of campaigns

What, exactly, does a national election campaign cost? I keep seeing large numbers, but they’re never itemized. Not a good sign, in a world that accounts for every penny.

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26th August 2021

My record has fallen

I have learned that someone has set a new world record for eating donairs. In Halifax! I don’t have the exact count, but I suspect that MY world record (of one) has fallen. Will I have to return my trophy, if it ever arrives?

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12th August 2021

As perceived by a non-flogger

I have no business doing business. Least of all, while carrying sticks and chasing rubber balls into the woods. But I have seen countless movies and TV episodes that present this as normalized activity. With that in mind, and fully cognizant of my lack of pertinent knowledge, I did what any wise man does: I asked Google.

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