Food, or soap?
There’s a new test in our kitchen. If I see a nicely decorated, mouth-sized sample of anything, I now read the label. Turns out that locally prepared soaps and locally prepared candies have much in common. They (names aren’t important) haven’t caught me yet, but I know it is an eventuality. Especially since soaps and confections share a lot of odours.
I’m relaxed, now that winter can no longer catch me unprepared. Sure, I will try to wear boots, because cold feet aren’t something I need. And if everything outside goes to flat white, that is a sign of season change. But, the mental preparation is complete.
Actually, I was looking outside (admiring the view, as I often do). How many of my former neighbours would have to motor on down to Old Orchard for such a thing? I’ve never been (there) but the attraction has to be more than aged apple trees.
We have a whole bag of apples on the table. Sourced locally, I believe. I should get into the pie business. Or sauce. Somehow, a diet of apples is more suited to horses, and we don’t have any of those. The dog is disinterested.
In QC, the government has made it clear to those employed in the hospitals and hospices. No vaccination, no pay (going forward). Forget the nebulous claim of a “religious exemption”; the legislature has pronounced on that faint hope clause. If you believe that prayer is all you need, come back to work. Obviously, you already have the reward that a regular pay cheque would bestow.