5th October 2021

Dead batteries? I hope that’s all it is

It could be that I’ve delayed this one job for too long. I have an antenna, and I have special test equipment that will verify that antenna and let me know the fund stuff: resonant points, SWR, etc. The test gear is battery operated, and after finding things “dead in the water”, I’ve put it on trickel charge.

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28th May 2021

Competing codes and a big wrench

I came across a heroic tale, this afternoon. Details of the communications systems on board the Titanic. Not quite as shown/imagined in a famous movie. No matter. The ship sank, and we know most of the story.

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posted in ham radio, history | Comments Off on Competing codes and a big wrench | 261 words

14th May 2021

Nothing remains at the end of the rainbow

I don’t want to take the blame for the decline of American manufacturing. Sure, I could have bought more stuff, but my limited resources would never have kept all of those small factories open. And maybe I should have purchased more new things; the flea markets never protected a single job in industry. However, I did what I could, along the way.

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11th May 2021

Anticipating needles and needle-noses

They are back! With a buzz and a whir, the first of the sugar hawks arrived at our front side feeder, this morning. Of course, I took the time to record the sighting on a special website that has a daily map update going on, for years. Yes, I can check back to see if this is early or late arrival. No, I haven’t.

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posted in ham radio, health | Comments Off on Anticipating needles and needle-noses | 278 words

6th April 2021

Technically, a juice box

As proof of my patience, today the Fedex van returned. Not to get stuck in the ditch, but to deliver a purchas made bacin in August of last year. In real time, eight months. I pandemic time, meh.

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27th October 2020

Three elections without any change noted

Imagine! In the last six weeks, we have had three general provincial elections. And in all three, the incumbents appear to have won the prize. Other than the obvious cost of conducting such a “test the pulse of the people” exercise, we can confirm that the will for change, any change right now, is non-existent. Yes, I hear the cries of those in the wilderness. How they want a new premier or prime minister. Doesn’t look like that’s about to happen.

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25th September 2020

A new case, just in case

Try two… I had to pause and reactivate my software, because ten years is a lifetime. I wonder if anyone ever asks why. In my case, when something actually works, without a hassle, I keep it around. In passing, there’s a machine with WordStar around here. In case of an emergency.

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10th September 2020

Thoughts on ‘bugging out’

Ham radio operators (some of them) are fascinated by readiness. Things like keeping a portable radio with batteries, in a small bag, in case you get called to take care of an impending emergency. In fact, some of the mainstream magazines get into the game, publishing “bug out bag” photos. As someone that stays close to home, I have never paid much attention.

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28th June 2020

Uncertain times to be a traveler

Here we are, late in the afternoon on the final weekend in June. Only because FB brought it to my attention, I realized that the amateur radio community on this continent is starting to clean up from another Field Day exercise. This is one of those events where I should have got involved; I have the time, the field, the equipment and the knowledge. Trapped in my bubble, I haven’t even plugged in the radio. Next year.

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21st June 2020

A second picnic, if you are keeping track

Summer makes it easy to throw a whole winter of good habits out the window. Food: where you can get in the car and find a food truck, or a canteen, or a restaurant with a window that sells take-away food. Not to be confused with tonight’s destination that advertised food to “sortir”. Dictionaries don’t always provide the “mot juste”, just saying.

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