10th November 2021

Awaiting a break in the spin cycle

I am not particularly superstitious. No problem with breaking mirrors (small, cheap ones). Willing to let that black cat meander across my path (or dash, it it works better). But, let the record show that I lack faith in the manufacturers of my home appliances. I am apprehensive, with a capital A. Because I’m too cheap to want to buy new ones, when the need hasn’t been presented.

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8th November 2021

Harvested his first

Even though I have moved along, from the scene of the story, I still follow the politics of places I used to live. I mean, politics is akin to the flavour of your drinking water. Often the cause.

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29th October 2021

Too impatient to wait (for winter)

Blame my afternoon on a lack of patience. I had considered leaving the deck clearing effort until after the first snowfall. Use the new layer of slippy to get my chairs and table down the hill. Today, tested by sunshine, I simply resorted to strong arm .Yes, the grass on the slope aided, but my patio/deck furniture is stowed until spring. I wasn’t sitting out there, much; now I will simply go for “not standing out there, much”. A subtle difference.

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22nd October 2021

My own, personalized code

According to observers, our local waters abound with whales. The lack of cruise ships might be a reason. I know; the sellers of tourist junk don’t want it mentioned, because those floating transporters of gullible strangers are good for the “bottom line”.

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18th October 2021

Down from my ladder

No waiting for the full moon. If we want to go outside, after dark, the two garage area lights are nowin place. They even turn on when you get close, and turn off after a mysterious delay (I don’t want to go back up on the step ladder; things work). But, seriously, the last few weeks while things worked “sometimes” are now history. My task here is done.

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20th September 2021

The tally starts, now!

An important day; required me to find a pencil, and then leave the house for a few minutes. Yes! I voted! Bringing my own marking stick was a nod to the strange times we live in, because historically the booth would contain several cheap pencils. Now, we can’t afford to disinfect them.

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17th September 2021

No face-to-face around my door

The final weekend before the great popularity test. Between now and Monday night, not much real business takes place, although I should receive another dozen or more donation requests in my email. And I’m certain there will be a few more moments to meet and greet (not at my door, mind you; I’m in a bit of a hidden corner of the world when it comes down to political face-to-face).

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15th September 2021

Costs of campaigns

What, exactly, does a national election campaign cost? I keep seeing large numbers, but they’re never itemized. Not a good sign, in a world that accounts for every penny.

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14th September 2021

Feeder clean and store

Maybe the summer will carry on indefinitely, but I highly doubt that. In anticipation of the net season, today I cleaned the two feeders for our “sugar vultures” aka hummingbirds. Are they off to warmer places? Unsure, but I think they, too, understand that the seasons are changing. We’re into frost warnings, and that’s a sign that the frozen syrup won’t attract much, going forward. If the birds get desperate, they can hover by a window, and I’ll come to their rescue.

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31st August 2021

Opinions shared anonymously

Here we are; the end of the month, and there’s been no breeze all day. Do you think they went over budget, and had to turn off the fans early? Trying to fit life into the constraints of a calendar again. Like, school must be about to begin, because September.

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