5th January 2022

Short supply of chips

Our emergency provisions have been delivered; let the winter begin. For the “need to know” group, that means a lot of freshly roasted coffee. All of the same variety. Believe me, trying to get any quantity of “fuel” for the espresso machine, locally, is an act fraught with frustration. There’s a lot of good coffee, out there. There’s a lot more of absolute rotgut. I have my priorities straight.

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8th December 2021

Need to let the smoke out

Another entry in the “glad it isn’t me” journal.

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29th November 2021

Things may improve

I realize that maps (and by extension, basic geography) can seem complicated.  But, when the governor of Texas claimed that illegal immigration from people walking across a shared border with South Africa was an issue, I didn’t need to consult an atlas. I knew this wasn’t going to “fly”. Do these people even feel silly when they make fallacious statements like this?

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10th November 2021

Awaiting a break in the spin cycle

I am not particularly superstitious. No problem with breaking mirrors (small, cheap ones). Willing to let that black cat meander across my path (or dash, it it works better). But, let the record show that I lack faith in the manufacturers of my home appliances. I am apprehensive, with a capital A. Because I’m too cheap to want to buy new ones, when the need hasn’t been presented.

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18th October 2021

Down from my ladder

No waiting for the full moon. If we want to go outside, after dark, the two garage area lights are nowin place. They even turn on when you get close, and turn off after a mysterious delay (I don’t want to go back up on the step ladder; things work). But, seriously, the last few weeks while things worked “sometimes” are now history. My task here is done.

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16th October 2021

The renewal of the light

A well-functioning home is akin to a small enterprise. With that as a given, I am the CTO of the company. Chief Tecnology Officer, because any acronym should be explained upon its introduction (I read that someplace, and it sounds about right). So, in short, I get to fix what is broken, or at least prepare a sound, reasoned excuse for the CEO. You can Google that one. My pleasure.

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13th October 2021

A call for new lights

One effect of the pandemic is that my time requirement for “community volunteering” has dropped to a point where I hardly realize I’m involved, any more. Tonight, we held back-to-meetings; interesting, but the job of turning my scribblings into a useful record will be challenging. I didn’t go for verbose, and now I have to wax poetic. Tomorrow.

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26th September 2021

Our hissy-pot is whole, once again

A couple of months back, a visitor decided to get involved in home cooking. Perfect vacation goal. Anyhow, the recipe called for a “pressure cooker”, and we had just the thing. Except for one flaw. The little bouncy pressure thingie that goes on top was MIA, so we had to abort that plan and find a workaround. Nothing McGyver, if you’re worried about the direction.

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24th September 2021

A desire to go drip-free

After a recent effort to fill my RV water tank using a funnel, I decided that we need to step up our game. Not to deny the utility of the funnel, but the fill port is located on the exterior vertical wall of the rig, and water obeys gravity. That is, we managed to pour a lot of water on the ground.

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18th September 2021

No oil spills on my watch

This time around, I wasn’t running late. You see, I got up, decided that my genny oil change had to happen. Soon. Today, soon.

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