27th December 2021

A thousand dissenting voices

Too much time on my hands; not enough time. Both equally confounding.  I’m in a holding pattern, waiting to depart for a surgical roadtrip. I know the destination, the dates, the procedure (that’s actually untrue). I don’t know what they have in mind. It doesn’t matter. I’m just another number. A stranger that will come and go, and the surgical team will be tasked with trying to improve my life. Can’t wait.

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24th December 2021

nobody dead (yet)

Expectations have changed. Yes, the calendar promises that the Bringer of gifts is coming, but, I suspect that’s only for the children. The rest of us, not so much. Around here, each time that I talk to family on the telephone, a voice in the background adds an andertone: “Nobody is in the hospital. Nobody has died. And my unvoiced echo goes. Not that we know of. Not yet. My own hope is to make it through December, because it ain’t over just yet.

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18th December 2021

Still counting

Birds don’t pay taxes (although the government wishes they did). Nor do they vote (although it might make politcs a litte more rational). In any case, if ever the need… we have it covered, with an annual bird census. I had the reason explained, a long time ago: we need to know if there is ever a sudden decline. A “canary in a coal mine”, for the environment.

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1st December 2021

The water has been higher, actually

The news reports out of southern BC mentioned high water levels. The video coverage showed lots of water: on the streets, on the lawns, on everything that should “normally” be dry.  My first impression ws that people had built their homes a bit too close to the edge of their lake. And then, my sense of geographic name recognition kicked in, and so I called up some maps.

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23rd November 2021

But, first, a word from our sponsors

Busy winter ahead, for the latest iteration of our federal government. Among the promises (because a throne speech isn’t anything more), we’re going to end the pandemic, fight climate change and put the economy on an even keel. Frankly, I can’t wait!

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20th November 2021

While I washed the watercraft

Another check mark on my prepare for winter list: the personal watercraft has been washed and hung up to dry. It’s a kayak thing; won’t work with a lobster boat, for example. Yes, I know. I already did this, but the weather turned summery and she who paddles got back out on the ocean. For the record, the odour of salty streams was there, as I hunkered down in the garage to rub and scrub. Also, having a heated garage with a cement floor allows one to do the“job”, indoors.

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17th November 2021

Less light, temporarily

Until tomorrow, the kitchen is a bit darker. We have light fixtures, mounted beneath the cupboards. And, until now, we have paid little attention. Cue the darkness.

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12th November 2021

Wander, carefully

In a case where “they couldn’t see the forest for the trees”, a young man has been found. Unfortunately, too late. Reported missing in late summer, there were people searching. Rewards for information were offered. And now, almost three months later, the end of the search. I look at the maps (a small island off the coast of another island), and the term search becomes nuanced. My sympathies to his family and friends.

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8th November 2021

Harvested his first

Even though I have moved along, from the scene of the story, I still follow the politics of places I used to live. I mean, politics is akin to the flavour of your drinking water. Often the cause.

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7th November 2021

Behind the boarded up windows and doors

I just read about a house in the GTO (greater Toronto) area that sold, over the asking price, for close to a million. No news here, you say. To which I have to respond “but it was filled with garbage, and the windows and doors were boarded up”. OK, a case for the local fire marshal.

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