• TubaOrNotTuba

  • In the absence of the political class, why bother?

6th December 2021

In the absence of the political class, why bother?

This is a quiet house. By design and by chosen technology. Except, we hear things that might otherwise be ignored. Like the wind. Right now, “she” is up to 70 kph, with things expected to increase as we get ready for bed.

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25th October 2021

No need to watch

Checked the calendar for this week, and noted that I’m due to get shot. Err… get a shot. This will mean that for more than twenty years in a row, I’ve lined up and received the inoculant of the season. Anti-flu. And in that period, I’ve avoided the discomfort of a sick week, each and every time. No side effects. For those of you who are hesitant, let me give you some free advice (up here in Canada, some things really are free). Get your flu shot.

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12th August 2021

As perceived by a non-flogger

I have no business doing business. Least of all, while carrying sticks and chasing rubber balls into the woods. But I have seen countless movies and TV episodes that present this as normalized activity. With that in mind, and fully cognizant of my lack of pertinent knowledge, I did what any wise man does: I asked Google.

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6th August 2021

That game clock is just symbolic

“… and the shootout is going into extra time”.  When I called up the streamed feed, this morning, I suspected that the gold medal match might seem long. First hint: a banner showing “Tokyo 2020”. As someone that doesn’t follow footie (is that the right term), my coming to watch the big game is almost wrong. The only familiar thing in view is a red jersey (for Canada).

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5th August 2021

Recalling those Seven League boots

I admit, my own travel experiences are limited. Bit of hometown boy, be I. But I grew up with the idea that the TV would broaden all horizons. Still does, when I take the time to wade through the hundreds of channels now available. This evening, I want to recall how it all began, for me. How old am I?

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4th August 2021

With the right music, anything is possible

Just like with a small boat… sometimes you need to give a touch to the tiller and set your heading in a new direction. For me, I can reset my compass with a bit of music.

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18th July 2021

Open for everything, actually

It was inevitable, rally. Today, the provincial gates swung open, and the hoards will soon be among us. Why, up at the light, the parking lot was full, and that has been rare for some time. We stayed long enough for me to get a bowl of fresh ice cream while the (two) dogs announced their excitement to all and sundry. Let the record show: within a compact car, that’s LOUD!

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15th March 2021

Was this a traction test?

The dog is old enough to know better. SO, when he took advantage of an open door to tbe basement, and managed to get into the new paint on the stiar steps (coming and going), I had nothing to say. Well, nothing good, at least. Right now, his paws are carefully highlighted. Almost like fingerprints.

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22nd February 2021

Personal silhouettes

Not every news story affects me directly. However, I reserve the right to be offended, when something happens that goes against my personal beliefs. More later.

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20th February 2021

Faster than a speeding (whatever it is)

Our little patch of woods, just beyond the front door and separating us from the highway (quiet country road, down to the end of the island) is full of surprises. Today, for the first time, we watched a new animal come racing from the trees before diving under the step. What was it? Well, we’re not really sure. Synonyms abound, so we might have watched a weasel, or an ermine, or a stoat. I’ll ask someone that knows these things, while I draw a word picture. No actual photos (it was racing!)

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