Had a neat recall this evening while watching that show about how stuff is made. Back in high school, through pure bad luck, I had to take one year of “art”. May have marked me for a lifetime. Didn’t turn me into a practicing artist, for sure. But there was that one project.
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posted in technology |
Life is full of mysteries, according to philosophers through the ages. Here’s a tiny mystery. Why can’t I see my pay slip on my computer?
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posted in technology |
The Oscars are behind us. I missed everything after the opening few minutes, but my ability to play catchup by reading a few online reports saved hours of waiting for something to happen. After all, the best picture was a silent movie (of sorts) and there wasn’t one of the nominees that actually had me as an audience member. Slow year for Tinsel Town. Better luck in 2013 (unless the world comes to an end before that).
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posted in computing |
Little bits and pieces. By themselves, each one is of minor importance, but added together, I had a good day. That’s what counts, right?
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posted in sports, technology |
Moving on to Plan B. And I thought this would be a rub-a-scrub simple as humble pie kind of thing.
You see, I’d like to refinish my bathtub. Seemed like a simpler scheme than popping out the old one, learning how to install ceramic tile and take up home plumbing. But the magic stuff they have over at the hardware store contains a nasty chemical, used when stripping finish. I mean, I accept that nothing comes easy, but that stuff can kill you!
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posted in humour |
I may be preaching to the choir, but methinks we need to teach more history. Not the stuff with kings and wars; rather, a tale of how a generation found the Internet and fell in love.
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posted in technology |
A strange, retro day at the office. Any time I’m met at the door, there’s a chance that things won’t be smooth; today fit the pattern. Seems that we’d lost our Internet feed during the night.
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posted in computing |
Touch and go there, for a while. The most expensive science experiment in the world recently reported that they had clocked subatomic particles (a scientific way of saying “really, really tiny”) moving at faster than the speed of light. Which would have cancelled out everything I learned in high school science class, among other things. But, after some recalculation and finger twisting, the observation was scaled back. Loose cable leading to faulty readings.
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posted in politics |
Evidence of a slow news day: that the CBC reported on the name of a puppy belonging to a prince and his princess. Evidence of a slow day in my life: that I read the headline. Sometimes the excitement is painful.
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posted in computing, pets |
Time to dig out the cookbook that deals with odd ingredients. As part of the loyalty program at my local supermarket, we get free stuff. Not much, not really things of value. More a case of what is overstocked. Like the week they gave us pomegranates.This time around: broccoli.
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posted in food, politics |