24th February 2012

You mean there was a time when…

posted in technology |

I may be preaching to the choir, but methinks we need to teach more history. Not the stuff with kings and wars; rather, a tale of how a generation found the Internet and fell in love.

At work, some of us are old enough to remember: when there wasn’t email, or a printer in every department (or even a computer). When things were done with manual typewriters and adding machines (not the abacus, as some children believe). When telephones had dials, and call waiting meant that someone had set the receiver down and yelled your name.

It’s the rest of them, the young bloods, that need education. At least enough to grasp how far we’ve come in my lifetime (not theirs). And with that, a fervent wish that those newly aware individuals will accept that sometimes you have to wait for a few.

No, nothing untoward happened at work today. I’m just discouraged that more than half of my workplace has little idea that man even went to the moon, or that big airplanes had propellers.

Hang on, old timer. You mean that books don’t come with an on-off switch? You mean that there was a time when the cellphone wasn’t the handle on the world’s doorknob? How did you get through the day, without access to SMS and YouTube?

My response, with no sarcasm intended… Very well, thank you.

It doesn’t matter. When I go to bed, shortly, things will carry on. And tomorrow morning, even if we get a snow storm, those same text-addicted young bloods will be thumbing their way into a brave new world.

This entry was posted on Friday, February 24th, 2012 at 19:32 and is filed under technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 262 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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