In a real bookstore, there’s no need for the consumer notice, “Batteries not included”. That may change. But for now, let’s stay with the idea that a book doesn’t run out of juice and get all weird.
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posted in technology |
Talking to someone about the weather (yes, it really does come up as a topic of conversation), and we drew parallels between “the good old days” and the current round of frostiness. Although my lawn is well protected, I can’t help but wonder about life in greener pastures.
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posted in Wx |
Before you remind me that life isn’t like in the movies, hear me out. Sometimes, the choice to watch a movie, instead of doing something else, is predicated by other responsibilities. If that’s even possible. Anyhow, while my supper was cooking, slowly, I decided to opt for virtual comfort food.
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posted in media |
My cable TV channel lineup is proof enough; I enjoy a regular feed of documentary material. Forget an afternoon of “downhill”, or a “grand slam”. Park me where I can learn something.
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posted in history, media |
Polar opposite experience: POE. My new acronym to describe this morning, wherein the new early warning system functioned perfectly. Unlike Tuesday where nobody seemed to realize that you have to announce a school closure for it to work properly, I had already received multiple phone calls and email messages before the web site had kicked in. Home for the day. The only “bémol” as people say locally was that my partner in things had to go to school, even though things were closed, because a talking head had decided that employees should show up to man the empty classrooms.
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posted in politics |
Just for the record: I am a Canadian. That means that in the month of January, the need to sit and wait for the snow to start falling is rational. Particularly when the forecast is that there will be a gazillion of them, or at least enough to cover the neighbourhood with up to twenty-five centimeters worth, measured vertically. Followed, or in concert with, winds gusting to seventy kph. No, I’m not going to translate. If my hopes (wishes and dreams) are met, tomorrow will be a white world, and my employer will encourage me to stay inside in safety. Storm warning; almost as good as the real thing.
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posted in humour, Wx |
Part of my nerdy side causes me to find more pleasure in the process than in the product. It’s all about the gear. Means that I collect technology, but knowing what could be done with a piece of equipment is more important than actually doing something.
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posted in computing, technology |
Trepidation with a pinch of anticipation; my reaction to a forecast of freezing rain. After that debacle in the western portion of the province some years back, the idea of ice on vertical surfaces is not something I take lightly. Instead, I sleep lightly, ready to jump from my bed to do battle. Or something. How do you defend your world against something as heavy of consequence.
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posted in Idol, Wx |
The outgoing chair of our beloved CRTC (the people that brought us quotas on rock’n’roll) has made it clear. New technologies have made it very hard to protect our culture. And by that (as an extension), culture is what the CRTC deems it to be. Now I get it!
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posted in media, politics |
If I had a do over, I’d want to be a rock star. Because, based on the premise of several other movies I’ve watched recently, the real Neverland is found on the bus going somewhere else, while the mates fight it out among themselves. Not quite paradise, but from what I remember of Peter Pan, the movie version, close enough for… no, I won’t say it.
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posted in humour, music |