31st January 2012

Kobo in coma

posted in technology |

In a real bookstore, there’s no need for the consumer notice, “Batteries not included”. That may change. But for now, let’s stay with the idea that a book doesn’t run out of juice and get all weird.

I should have recognized the symptom. eBook reader refuses to do anything. First thing; don’t panic. Last summer, while on vacation, my original Kobo got stuck. No way to wake it from that deep sleep. Push the button, fiddle with the reset doohickey. Nada. So, I panicked, and bought a new one. Better model, but there was a certain amount of cash required to seal the deal.

And sometime later that week, reader #1 came back from the coma, as if nothing had happened. Yes, I now own two readers (overkill).

This morning, after turning the page four times gave me the same page (again and again), I decided that a recharge was recommended. In the office, I unraveled a USB cable and went ahead with plugging everything in. Twenty minutes later… coma.

I started by recycling my various USB ports, and managed to remove all knowledge of things like keyboards and mice. Powered down, waited. Powered up. Powered down, waited. Hard to explain why the computer guy doesn’t have a computer… but I did get things back into order. Just, not the Kobo. Same deal; reset, recycle, hope and pray. And after reading twenty-four pages of messages from the appropriate forum, I tried one more time. A flash of blue light (where things had been green). Success!

For anyone else who has a Kobo in coma… let the recharge phase run for several hours. Fixes things up, often.


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