31st December 2011

Waiting for the punch

One more year about to culminate (wonder word, that) in a recycling of the calendar on our kitchen wall. Not much else to add, really. Back when I didn’t have much experience in the game, the idea of New Year’s Eve seemed rather imposing. Now… I’ve been here before, and if currrent tendencies continue, I’ll be here again. I’m at that point in life where not much varies in the short term.

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30th December 2011

Blinded by the light

A new way to describe “How cold is it”… how about “Too cold to heat the car”. Odd juxtaposition of terms, but after today I’m satisfied that it’s a valid metaphor. I had great plans. Go out, buy some coffee, come home. I made it around the block. Blinded by the light.

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posted in food, Wx | Comments Off on Blinded by the light | 319 words

29th December 2011

Tinned cake as an impulsive purchase

If you live in Canada, you have to accept temperature range. +30C to -30C accounts for our view of the world; either we’re sweating or shivering. Both at once is a sign of a fever, and that has nothing to do with national identity. Go ahead, ask your physician. Today, things are running cold. How cold? When I filled the green bin with the content destined for the blue bin, it was because I couldn’t see the difference. Eyes frozen shut, etc. And it was too cold to rectify the situation. Tomorrow, the city burns a bit more paper than usual.

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posted in technology, Wx | Comments Off on Tinned cake as an impulsive purchase | 271 words

28th December 2011

Finally, an app that understands my diction

Here’s a free tip. If you want to know a good time to go shopping at Costco, try the Wednesday following Boxing Day, during a snow storm, at supper time. No lineups! I agree, you will have to wait a whole year to see if it still applies. Imagine, no opportunity to buy far too much laundry detergent because the price seems right. A beau risque.

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posted in humour | Comments Off on Finally, an app that understands my diction | 271 words

27th December 2011

Failure to consume

Looks like I’m in trouble! According to the newspapers, I’ve missed my holiday duty – to consume, madly. No queues in front of big box stores. No mall crawls. Not even a blip on the nation’s credit report. In a world where the economy trumps everything else, I’ve sat back and let others stand in my  place. If we were at war (and we are), I might see people pointing in my direction and murmuring. “Failure to consume!”

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posted in economy, humour | Comments Off on Failure to consume | 254 words

26th December 2011

No regifting allowed

Putting a job off for a day; the job is still there, and all it does is displace the effort. Case in point, Christmas dinner. Due to a scheduling glitch, we decided to have our family a day late. And so with my plan of battle clear in my mind, I arose this morning to do the setup work.

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posted in food | Comments Off on No regifting allowed | 279 words

25th December 2011

Early to bed, etc.

If the phrase “Early to bed and early to rise” is acceptable as a rule of lifestyle, then I must accept the corollary. If I go to bed late, I won’t be up to greet the rising sun. Last night, having bent my rule of when to be abed, my coming to full status was delayed. Almost until noon. Most irregular. Not required to check out the traces of a secretive Santa; good.

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posted in food | Comments Off on Early to bed, etc. | 275 words

24th December 2011

When you forget the middle ingredient

Busily flipping through the channels, I recognized The Voice. For those of us that listen to CBC in the car, there is only one man that merits the moniker… Stuart McLean. Funny, I’ve gone all these years without sync between the face and the voice. After all, the Vinyl Café is all about the tales, not the winks and nods.

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23rd December 2011

Repeat until successful

My first reaction is “Hurrah! It works!”, quickly followed by “But why didn’t it work before?” You guessed it; wireless on a laptop with Linux. Part of the mystery of the universe.

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posted in computing, food | Comments Off on Repeat until successful | 274 words

22nd December 2011

My version of decking the hall

The hard hauling for the holiday is done. I’ve been to the local “flash frozen prepared food palace”, and after handing over a modest investment, we now have the necessary bits and bites needed for a family get-together.

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