Out of whole cloth
Busy with a new book. A good book. Who needs movies, when your imagination can fill in the blanks just fine.
posted in education | Comments Off on Out of whole cloth | 257 words
Busy with a new book. A good book. Who needs movies, when your imagination can fill in the blanks just fine.
posted in education | Comments Off on Out of whole cloth | 257 words
Just in case a place can have a birthday… Happy Birthday, PEI. You got your most recent name back in 1798, on this date. Befo e my time, sure. Still worth giving the world a head’s up.
posted in computing, humour | Comments Off on Home heating with a data-processing angle | 266 words
We interrupt this (your) life for a musical interlude. Regular programming will resume all too soon.
This evening: Leslie Feist. From Nova Scotia, in surfeit. A rolling stone, who manages to scrunch up the moss along the way. Ignore the iPod song, temporarily, because there is so much more. Art, photography (yes, art too), music, dance. The whole apple pie (ignore the iPod influence). I like what she does, even if I can’t find direction. My bad.
posted in music | Comments Off on A musical interlude | 269 words
Grey Cup Sunday, where the hope is that the half time show will be memorable. Call me “old school”, but I miss Guess Who. Today, I paid my money and all I got in change was a Nickelback. In these inflated times, that doesn’t buy me much. Seriously, trying to please the nation is difficult, but in future, could the organizers try a little harder. I’m not going to go to sleep satiated after that waste of airtime. In kindness, only every second song sounded the same.
posted in sports | Comments Off on Should I stay or should I go? | 260 words
This just in: a cure for insomnia. Fatigue.
I know, that’s imprecise. In my case, I woke up at 02h30 Friday morning and stayed awake until 01h00 Saturday. Completely outside my pattern, and the result is that I slept through for a full eight hours. For the first time in a really long time. Many cures are predicated by much less. Ditto for miracles.
posted in environment, music | Comments Off on In memory of storms | 263 words
I finally get it, I think. After forty years of wandering in the musical desert, the role of “Rush” in the scheme of things has been explained.
posted in music | Comments Off on I forgot to Rush | 319 words
The piano gets me, every time. Charlie Brown is on TV, and I’m so there.
It doesn’t matter if I’ve seen it before. The whole point is that his world makes perfect sense. Especially the blanket.
posted in humour | Comments Off on LED cubes and micro-mice maze racers | 252 words
Although there’s no photo, we did receive our first “real” snow today. I don’t think it will stay past tomorrow, so the photo can wait. Not so the decision.
posted in humour | Comments Off on Approach a Celebration with care | 259 words
Here in Canada, you have a fundamental right to freedom of speech in the context of protest. The fundamental right to camp; not so much.
posted in humour | Comments Off on Copying isn’t burning, necessarily | 288 words
Today’s post brought a rather touching, if somewhat curious, card. A sort of “We miss you” message, as if from an old friend (or two). Except that the card was addressed, rather informally, to “F” and was written in my other language. Not exactly an old friend that knows me well.
posted in humour | Comments Off on A charming card | 253 words