27th November 2011

Should I stay or should I go?

posted in sports |

Grey Cup Sunday, where the hope is that  the half time show will be memorable. Call me “old school”, but I miss Guess Who. Today, I paid my money and all I got in change was a Nickelback. In these inflated times, that doesn’t buy me much. Seriously, trying to please the nation is difficult, but in future, could the organizers try a little harder. I’m not going to go to sleep satiated after that waste of airtime. In kindness, only every second song sounded the same.

Football wise, the game isn’t keeping me on the edge of my seat. Great venue. Cameras for every angle. Pity that the onfield talent is not a whole tier above the college ball we saw Friday past. Except for the kickers. What to do? Will I return to my seat after the 28 minute pause, or will I opt for something better. Like a good book.

The laundry is done. The groceries are done. The dishes are done. I could retire, now, and get a good night’s sleep.

Actually, I did watch a good movie this afternoon. Almost by accident. A story out of Ireland (one of my preferred classes of movie), with Colin Farrell and Dervla Kirwan together. An alumni meeting of Ballykissangel… the title,  Ondine, reminds me that we don’t get a lot of foreign cinema here in the city. Too much trouble finding someone that can dub accented English into accented French. Written and directed by Neal Jordan; I will mention that he has a whole string of interesting efforts to his credit.



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