26th November 2011

In memory of storms

posted in environment, music |

This just in: a cure for insomnia. Fatigue.

I know, that’s imprecise. In my case, I woke up at 02h30 Friday morning and stayed awake until 01h00 Saturday. Completely outside my pattern, and the result is that I slept through for a full eight hours. For the first time in a really long time. Many cures are predicated by much less. Ditto for miracles.

Now that the snow has melted, I took the time to remove a collection of window screens in preparation for the “real” winter. I’d been leaving it on my list of things to do. Today, it got done. In another life I would have also installed the storm windows, but that isn’t how life works in this part of the world. I haven’t seen real storms in a long time. Remember that silly slat of wood that covered three holes along the bottom of the frame. Guess you had to have been there.

There should have been a show by son #1’s band this evening, but it was cancelled. And then reinstated, across the river. At the original site, someone died in the parking lot. No other details at this time, but a confirmation that certain parts of town are rougher than others. Nothing to do with a documentary I watched this afternoon about street gangs in the city. The gangs that only (emphasis needed) the police believe to exist. Interview the people that deal with such things, and they simply shake their heads. Fantasy. Almost like the police were seeking budget increases. Wait… they are. Could this be a simple coincidence?


This entry was posted on Saturday, November 26th, 2011 at 20:49 and is filed under environment, music. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 263 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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