22nd March 2025

Loud voices

I am a little gobsmacked. I have been listening to political rhetoric again. Not a great way to spend the day. One of our premiers has decided that rules do not apply. Rather the idea that one province can decide for all the others about something as important as the environment in order to make money with the gas industry is outside my own experience. It seems that Alberta believes that they have a manifest destiny and I use this term in the best historical context to sell oil or black sand to the rest of the world. Something about money and more money. If Canada has laws that control that commerce but this province believes that those laws should be set aside because money is more important than anything else. Have we ever heard a thing like this before I wonder? Anyone who is growing up with siblings will be aware that sometimes members of the family speak without thinking. I hope that is what is happening here. I am not looking for a father over children role either. Rather I believe that we have one province that has loss the north. There are pipelines that had been built using the money of the other provinces. However since the oil industry is looking at a firm barrier and looking at a chance that the market will not be there in a half century, that industry wants everything now. I think there’s a Bible verse about that. Something about the prodigal son. But as I said it all comes down to money and I feel sure that the people working in the big offices in Calgary and Edmonton have no dirt under their fingernails. Stand by everyone, things are going to be rough for the next little bit. Anyhow when Alberta decides to have new pipelines going west and east and enter territories over which they have no control, we now understand the outspoken call on the Prime Minister to do things for them or they will do something else. Is this a 51st state? On the calendar in that office I am unsure that the Americans want the crazy stuff that comes out of our oil patch.

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