Just over a day since my last flu shot, and I’m still healthy. Let’s give two thumbs up to the advances in medical procedures, shall we. After the crazy circus over the last two calendar rounds (hundreds in a shopping centre), the health services moved the show to an obscure hospital basement. Unless you knew the location, there was no danger of puncture wounds. Almost like a secret club, what. Me and a bunch of more senior citizens, politely sitting for our fifteen minutes of R&R after the deed.
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posted in health, Wx |
Although he didn’t sing it at Woodstock, Stephen Stills did coin the lyrical phrase “If you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with”. He sang it; dogs live it.
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posted in technology |
The urge hit me, late in the afternoon. Pizza for supper. And as a break with tradition, I decided to go out and deliver it to myself.
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posted in food |
I was flurried twice today. No lasting effect, but I’ve been warned. Find my toque (tuque) and mittens, before things get serious.
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posted in education |
Pardon my sense of melancholy, but another friend is going away. The local magazine shop will lock the front door in a couple of days, and the gang of individuals who have been there for the last couple of decades will be scattered to the wind, like the blow-in cards of their stock.
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posted in economy |
Awoke from a sound sleep, complete with a dream sequence. Odd. The dream, I mean. Something about being on a beach vacation and trying to get reservations on a bus for some downhill snow skiing. Let’s get back to the waking up thing. I mean, 03h36 is early. Especially when I don’t need to go anywhere.
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posted in environment |
The list of long gun owners is gone. The government has been planning this advance in record keeping for years, but the small issue of an opposition that was numerically superior interfered. Times have changed. In celebration, the government is coming through on a promise. First and last. Not to worry, though. The current government is going to clean up the cupboard, so to speak. The database that cost millions will be erased, shredded, stapled, folded, whatever it takes to assure that no trace remains. After all, “any job worth doing is worth doing well”.
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posted in politics |
Think of it as a game for this century. Turn on the TV and watch something that takes place in a real locale. Then, try to get there using Google Maps and Street View. I’m “in” the Orkney Islands right now, and I’d be willing to go there for real. A plus; they have good fiddlers.
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posted in humour |
There are worse things than standing in line at the supermarket. You could be standing in line, just behind a coupon cutter.
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posted in humour |
Up early, to buy batteries. And light bulbs. You know how it is. Sometimes things run out, and the only thing to do is to get in the car and drive.
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posted in media |