28th October 2011

How many people is 7 billion?

posted in education |

I was flurried twice today. No lasting effect, but I’ve been warned. Find my toque (tuque) and mittens, before things get serious.

Over to the pharmacy to get more eye drops; the “before insurance” price for a little bottle of what might be salty water with a stir of something seriously chemical gives me pause. Forget precious metals, and discover pharmaceuticals. In passing, the expansion into what used to be a video rental place will double the size of my local druggist. Times are good.

Sometime over the weekend, according to the UN, I’ll have 7 billion neighbours (and I won’t know more than a handful of them, just like before). I’ll wave, when I pass on the street. But seriously, how many people is that? In an attempt to “make the number seem real”, the CBC presented several analogies. I particularly like this one:

If you gathered everyone on Earth to watch a concert and packed ’em in at one person per 4.5 square feet —a dense crowd, based on the basic crowd-calculation rule worked out by University of California professor Herbert Jacobs — the general-admission audience would cover about 2,926.5 square kilometres. That’s about 51.7% of the land area of PEI.

Just as long as they remain orderly and enjoy the music. No rowdies with WMD invited. I wonder if U2 will get the nod?

A firm with Montreal roots has launched a tablet computer for the reasonable price of $37. Available only in India for now. The catch is that the tablet is in short supply, given that the monthly production is currently about 100,000 and they have 220 million local clients. Just in the school system. Maybe I can snag one on eBay.


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