LED cubes and micro-mice maze racers
The piano gets me, every time. Charlie Brown is on TV, and I’m so there.
It doesn’t matter if I’ve seen it before. The whole point is that his world makes perfect sense. Especially the blanket.
My two days of “solo at the office” are over. Sadly. I work well, alone. No reflection on those around me, of course. </sarcasm>.
I’ve discovered a new gadget that would be fun to own. For only $67 US plus assembly and batteries, I could have my own programmable LED matrix. Here, check the video. Then tell me that it wouldn’t be a reasonable addition to the home. There are larger sizes available, but I’m not greedy. 512 well-trained points of light sounds like an ample number.
There is also some interesting footage of micro-mouse maze racers out there. I’m not keen to dedicate a large amount of floor space to a permanent structure, but the whole idea of “Citius, Altius, Fortius” is a cultural mainstay. We hold games on a recurring basis. Why not include tiny, versatile robots in the parade of nations?
Another person retired today. More are scheduled to take their penates and leave the floor in the next few months. I salute them, and continue to count the days until my turn comes around. Meanwhile, every departure means a replacement, and with that a chance to ease someone else into our way of doing things. Yes, even our office has its own set of idiosyncrasies. (Thank you, spell check). Imagine; I get to modify the telephone system.