29th January 2012

Media as comfort food

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Before you remind me that life isn’t like in the movies, hear me out. Sometimes, the choice to watch a movie, instead of doing something else, is predicated by other responsibilities. If that’s even possible. Anyhow, while my supper was cooking, slowly, I decided to opt for virtual comfort food.

That is, I decided to watch movies I had already seen. Not as if I had a choice. Cable TV being what it is. Still, one does not live by a steady diet of new content. Now, back to the pleasure of comfort food. First serving: one of the Indiana Jones movies. Not the first; that would have been too good. No, one of the others, wherein we learn about life underground with a roller coaster. You know the one I mean. Good memories.

Follow that with back to back oceans, as in Ocean’s Eleven and Ocean’s Twelve. A chance to fantasize about high tech larceny with a degree of legerdemain. A lovely word, in passing. Not easily defined. You only know that something happened, after the fact. Good snacks for a cold afternoon. The only way to make it better would be to throw Thirteen into the mix.

Tomorrow, back to someone else’s routine. Today; belongs to me. I can get up late, go to bed early, nap before lunch if I want (or not). That, my friends, is the proof of evolution, economically. No more 365 taking care of the food supply, or trying to keep warm. As that old line goes, “If you can’t be rich, at least be happy!”


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