20th September 2011

Another season of bliss, or glee, or whatever

The “fall season” is upon us, on the cable networks. Tonight, the start of season number three for Glee. Before you ask the question: yes, the Wile E. Coyote vs the Roadrunner theme is as solid as as. Sue will not be gleeful. It’s in her DNA. And the musical production value is there. I’ll be back, same time next week.

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19th September 2011

The sweet sound of silence

Can you put a price on peace and quiet? How about quiet, all by itself? I know what it is worth to me, based on today.

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18th September 2011

Isn’t life strange?

It took just short of forty years, but I finally watched the Moody Blues perform. On stage, right in front of me. We’ve all aged well, considering.

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17th September 2011

New lights for the onslaught of autumn

I did it. I went down to the basement. I unhooked the aluminum ladder that stays hooked to the ceiling for most of each year. I did the twist and turn to get it outside, and I left the ground. That’s worth mentioning, given that it doesn’t happen very often. I hate heights. I hate going up on my ladder, where the trip down can be much faster than the trip up.

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posted in humour | Comments Off on New lights for the onslaught of autumn | 267 words

16th September 2011

If I had a hammer, or a key, or some other device

I did not get up early to stand outside a local big box store. I will not get up early tomorrow for the same reason; I don’t need a really thin laptop for what is still a lot of money. See. That wasn’t so hard. My power of resistance to sales pressure is increasing.

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posted in economy, humour | Comments Off on If I had a hammer, or a key, or some other device | 275 words

15th September 2011

In praise of good fiddling

On my way to get milk this evening, I timed my parking the car with the start of an interview on CBC radio. And stayed put to listen.

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14th September 2011

Be thankful I’m slow to start

Excuse me. A moment of your time, please. Yes, you, the young man on roller blades that passed in front of me several minutes ago.

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posted in environment | Comments Off on Be thankful I’m slow to start | 261 words

13th September 2011

Life in my rut

Where do I place the blame if my life isn’t exciting (enough)? Is this akin to taking responsibility? How adult. How terrifying.

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12th September 2011

Wishing things were faster

I’ve spent the last few hours trying to get an older laptop “up to date”. The usual stuff: patches to the OS, signature files for the antivirus package, newer versions of mission critical software. And it was a painful process.

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11th September 2011

A deflector is what we need

A couple more hours and it will be over. No, not the birthday celebration. The other thing, that has sucked the oxygen out of the air. Soon, we can return to regular programming, and stop the “weeping and wailing” that our parents warned us was appropriate only in prayer. Not a minute too soon!

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