Another season of bliss, or glee, or whatever
The “fall season” is upon us, on the cable networks. Tonight, the start of season number three for Glee. Before you ask the question: yes, the Wile E. Coyote vs the Roadrunner theme is as solid as as. Sue will not be gleeful. It’s in her DNA. And the musical production value is there. I’ll be back, same time next week.
Spent another day deep in the innards of our VOIP system. Menu upon nested menu, with more acronyms than a boxful of war surplus manuals. I love the bit where we can bring the whole system “to its knees” with a few minutes of inattention. Or, for more humorous effect, have the phone line from one office end up daisy-chaining a whole sector of schools when the ring goes beyond a trigger value. No, I’m not up for testing it…
The department is moving to a software based system for tracking compensation hours. As in, overtime. Not that we do very much of it, but we’re an easy testbed for a board wide solution. The only hiccup is that that it sometimes spits you out on the “pavement” with an error screen from the SQL back end. When you try to resubmit the broken transaction, you are told that you are attempting to create a duplicate transaction; go away, play in the traffic. These are my “extra hours”, thank you very much. Sometimes a paper based solution is the best one.
And with that, I think I’ll go to bed. Never enough overtime generated there.