31st August 2011

Utilitity radio

Thought I’d get the weather forecast, the old-fashioned way, this evening. By listening to the radio. Marine radio. You see, going back to about the time of Marconi, governments have maintained a network of facilities to get “the word” out to those at sea, where such things really matter.

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30th August 2011

First wind and then water

Now that the storm has passed, we’re getting images of how things went elsewhere. Not far from here, though. This is a local story.

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29th August 2011

Seeking solace in my junk

Here’s hoping that the new TV season brings a bagload of blockbusters. I’ve lost the will to do anything; not watching TV, not reading, not humming old Simon and Garfunkel tunes offkey. I need a boost. Vacation may have ruined me for the winter ahead.

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28th August 2011

Weak winds and sallow showers

I feel like someone who had friends go on vacation and bring back a T-shirt. Something like “The continent got a hurricane, and all I got was some gusty wind with light rainfall”.  A letdown. Things could have been much more interesting. Yes, the electricity is hiccuppy, but not enough to do much more than reset the wifi.

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posted in food, technology | Comments Off on Weak winds and sallow showers | 267 words

27th August 2011

Climb the stairs to save a little

Just watched an interesting guitarist on TV. Bryce Young, by name. Too new to have a web presence; I checked the usual spots, like YouTube and MySpace. Found a review of a show from Yellowknife. What sets him apart from the usual fretful individuals is his tap technique, similar to Chris Broderick. Keep an eye out for this lad.

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posted in economy | Comments Off on Climb the stairs to save a little | 274 words

26th August 2011

Easily distracted

Here we are, with a major hurricane only days away, and I’ve let myself get distracted by other stuff. While I should be laying in that 72 hour supply, hiding the gazebo, putting patio chairs under lock and key, I’m watching a dubbed version of National Treasure. That’s what gets people hurt!

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25th August 2011

No backup? Get to it!

The prediction that technical evolution has ended may be overstated, but according to certain industry pundits, the retirement of Steve Jobs sounds the death knell for life as we now know it. Funny; I thought that global warming, or a fiery meteor would win that title. Who knew?

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posted in computing | Comments Off on No backup? Get to it! | 257 words

24th August 2011

Not so green buses

If your electric transit bus is billowing smoke, take it back to that used vehicle dealer and demand a refund. Today the local transit authority decided to withdraw their mini-fleet of “EcoloBus” due to a recurring problem with pollution. Three out of seven isn’t a majority, but let’s just park the tiny lemons and walk away.

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23rd August 2011

Dreaming of whistles

Did the ground move beneath your feet this afternoon? Didn’t for me, either. The earthquake, centred some 15oo km away, made the news, though. Slow day in the south, I guess. As one relative put it (she lives in that area), “My pool was like a tidal wave. Kind of fun. I cant believe how everyone here freaking out. Stores closed, metro reports massive panic. Crazy.”

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22nd August 2011

Darkness on a summer afternoon

Arrived home this afternoon to find the house in darkness. Or, at least, as close as you can get in mid-afternoon. A power failure. Notable only because of the rarity – it’s been years since I last had to reset clocks before bedtime. There is no UPS in my universe, so the weather station server took a hissy fit, and required a lobotomy (that’s where you bounce the BIOS battery in and out to force a system reset). Things are running again, but I may have to consider what the next used machine I purchase will be. Perhaps a real server, with multiple drive bays. Hmmm.

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