26th August 2011

Easily distracted

posted in technology |

Here we are, with a major hurricane only days away, and I’ve let myself get distracted by other stuff. While I should be laying in that 72 hour supply, hiding the gazebo, putting patio chairs under lock and key, I’m watching a dubbed version of National Treasure. That’s what gets people hurt!

The real danger is that there are sequels to the movie; I could miss a slew of natural disasters before Nico gets to the point.

Actually, I’m ignoring the movie while I seek the solution to a local problem. Not the dehumidifier; that’s for another day. Rather, it’s what to do/buy so that my fancy camera flash becomes more than surplus weight. I tried to use it this summer, but Pentax and Canon are two different species. The fitting fit, but the electronics didn’t. Next time around, I’m going to play slave driver. And that means getting the flash off to the side of the situation.

From a perusal of forums (fori?), the solution involves a cold shoe to tripod adaptor, and I found one in Hong Kong for a tenspot. Free shipping goes hand in hand with patience. Also, a tripod is a rare and valuable resource, so I’m getting a cheap Gorillapod, which can wrap its arms around just about anything. Hurrah! An offcamera solution for those low-light situations.


Now, back to the incoming hurricane. It’s still too early to know how close, or how heavy. But I’m a believer that the worst is yet to come. We could be in for a real blow (or just a wet walk to the bus come Monday).



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