28th August 2011

Weak winds and sallow showers

posted in food, technology |

I feel like someone who had friends go on vacation and bring back a T-shirt. Something like “The continent got a hurricane, and all I got was some gusty wind with light rainfall”.  A letdown. Things could have been much more interesting. Yes, the electricity is hiccuppy, but not enough to do much more than reset the wifi.

When the order went out to “Secure the patio furniture!”, I was there. Everything neatly piled and cornered. The gazebo is built solidly, so we decided not to stow the sail. The pool; lots of headroom behind the dam. Nothing to see here. Move along now.

Mind what you wish for, say the naysayers. The night is not yet over. This could turn sour before dawn. I’m sceptical.

We’ve decided to reduce the spending on groceries. Makes sense, what with fewer mouths to feed. I still have to show great restraint when I spot stuff on sale. We will use that obscene quantity of (fill in the blank) eventually. Stockpiles were easy to justify when the whole gang was on hand to winnow the cache. Now, not so much.

Turns out that my decision to ignore the cellphone craze might be “wrong”. According to a researcher cited on the CBC website,  This is a reach, since the research mentioned both social media and the mobile phone, but the quote “If you’re not participating in the social network, you’re really not participating in the collective life of the group that you’re associated with.” is a serious jab at my chosen lifestyle. Does this mean that I might miss, say, the end of the world?


This entry was posted on Sunday, August 28th, 2011 at 19:48 and is filed under food, technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 267 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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