Seeking solace in my junk
Here’s hoping that the new TV season brings a bagload of blockbusters. I’ve lost the will to do anything; not watching TV, not reading, not humming old Simon and Garfunkel tunes offkey. I need a boost. Vacation may have ruined me for the winter ahead.
I jest, of course. I’m just happy to have a paying job, and tax deductions that start at 40% and work upward (should I decide to spend the remaining bits of my pay cheque. Tonight, I even went hunting for a tax bill that wasn’t yet submitted. Diligent! My middle name. Maybe I’ll get a tattoo, to keep me on task.
Learned (from the news) that FB privacy isn’t… now how does that work? Does that mean that other people are actually looking to see what I do (when I post, which isn’t often)? Life was so much easier when I could use college radio to ramble. No need to compose complete sentences; the microphone served as a scratchpad, and I had musical interludes. Now, nada.
Perhaps I can clean the basement this winter. Throw a dumpster full of papers out every two weeks, and by spring there would be a whole empty room to enjoy. Again, I jest (sorry!). Although, getting rid of a ton or two of obsolete electronic oddities before the next round of recycling penalties kick in might be good management. In passing, what’s a truckload of vinyl worth on the open market (the black kind, in circles, with squiggly imprints)?
Hey, maybe I can do without TV, if I stay distracted by other tasks.