11th July 2011

A tendency to overprepare

Here is the mystery of life: how to get away from everything while taking everything with you. I refer to my approach to going on vacation. I do the same thing every year; I overpack.

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10th July 2011

What about the other 99 flavours?

Not exactly breakfast fare, but we did get out for a partial family meal before the end of the morning. The restaurant definitely isn’t in the Michelin, but the menu did boast of more than 100 varieties of poutine. For the record, mine involved meat loaf and Italian sauce. It’s become downright difficult to get the whole family together, now that we all have lives involving work, study and play (in varying proportions). Today was an 80% effort: quorum. No decisions were taken, but there were several new pictures for any eventual album.

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9th July 2011

First steps to travel ready status

I wonder, if I sit quietly outside in the darkness, if I’ll hear faint strains of his piano across the way. Sir Elton is in town, and although I won’t be in the audience I still appreciate his dropping in for a visit. It’s been a long time, Piano Man.

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8th July 2011

How many channels with nothing on?

The Boss said it best: “57 channels, and nothing on”. Double; heck, triple the numbers and the result remains the same. So what to do when the agitation begins?

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7th July 2011

Politicians can insult with the best of them

Proof that politicians are just like real people; the way they insult one another. Today’s local newspaper reported on a series of local confrontations, and for the common man, these were truly common battles.

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6th July 2011

Now I can see you, really

And some day we’ll all look back and say “July 6th, 2011: the day the Internet changed forever”. That’s the date where FB and Skype got together and moved the finish line. No, not really…

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5th July 2011

The better to hear you with

Overheard from an optimist: “If my vineyard doesn’t produce good wine, I can use the grapes to make vinegar”. That is about as positive an outlook as I’ve run across. Not enough for me to devote an acre of my land to monoculture, but close.

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4th July 2011

Is this a landing or a “sea-ing”?

I’m trying my patience. Sometime last year (time does fly), I managed to turn my netbook into a triple-boot wondermachine. Went on vacation, happily, and excused the “in progress” status of one OS as my fault. Lack of time to fine tune, etc. And then the cold weather returned and I shelved the project.

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posted in computing, history | Comments Off on Is this a landing or a “sea-ing”? | 274 words

3rd July 2011

When the news feed is monochromatic

I checked the news feed before coming here this evening, and there was no news. Or rather, one story; the same story for days now. Yes, they’re young and rich, but could we please reset the pendulum, oh media moguls? Here; news from Quebec City: we had a few moments of thunder and light showers this evening. Thankfully, I’d already returned from getting the groceries.

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2nd July 2011

Computing a workaround

Not having the right equipment, I can find ways to spend a whole afternoon. Productivity levels may not be outstanding, but I do get to test my problem solving skills.  That’s a good thing, right?

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