5th July 2011

The better to hear you with

posted in music, technology |

Overheard from an optimist: “If my vineyard doesn’t produce good wine, I can use the grapes to make vinegar”. That is about as positive an outlook as I’ve run across. Not enough for me to devote an acre of my land to monoculture, but close.

The question came up around the living room. Are there any makes of headphones where the wires don’t break prematurely? Other than that pair I bought at Radio Shack a lifetime ago (they’re in the basement, somewhere), I haven’t found any. You know the deal… the new muffs sound great, and then one ear goes all grinchy, and then you’re off to the shops to buy something else. Worse than planned obsolescence. Maybe I’ll get on the net and see if I can buy another pair of these.

Pro-10 headphones

Pay no attention to the date. Thank you.

Be thankful I’m not pushing these… they were perhaps marginal for music, but the war couldn’t wreck them…

Vintage headphones

For a world that believes fidelity comes from iPod buds, these may seem a bit “large”. The better to hear you with, as the wolf told the girl in the hood.

Had a chance to set up a brand new laptop today. The same problems remains. Why can’t Windows detect and install something known as the SM controller? Why do technicians require intense Google time to find what seems to be a necessary part of Intel’s way of the world? I usually win, but my time is expensive (so I’ve been told) and in short supply (impending vacation break).


This entry was posted on Tuesday, July 5th, 2011 at 20:25 and is filed under music, technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 253 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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