4th July 2011

Is this a landing or a “sea-ing”?

posted in computing, history |

I’m trying my patience. Sometime last year (time does fly), I managed to turn my netbook into a triple-boot wondermachine. Went on vacation, happily, and excused the “in progress” status of one OS as my fault. Lack of time to fine tune, etc. And then the cold weather returned and I shelved the project.

Much like a bird with the urge to fix a rickety nest, I started (this spring) to try and apply some necessary updates to the third-string OS, and I managed to “blow it out of the water” as we used to say. Kernel panic. No mattter. I’ll get around to it.

I’ve now got a (borrowed) external DVD reader, and while sitting quietly I reinstalled the broken package. Except that now I have no networking, and no more time to spend. It’s getting dark outside. Maybe I could fit it in among all the other projects at work, but that’s not fair. This is an at-home effort, so I’ll spend the evening cogitating, and maybe tomorrow I’ll get to the next step on a high ladder.

The king to be flew a Sea King today. For that alone, he deserved the crown. The video was worth watching, as he landed the machine in open water. I’m sure that a whole squadron of heli-techs were holding their collective breath, wondering if the machine would get airborne again. These are not new toys, and they require several hours of maintenance for every hour in the air. Does landing in the water count, or was this a stupid attempt to impress the visiting kid?

I don’t know whether this image is from a landing or take off…



This entry was posted on Monday, July 4th, 2011 at 20:28 and is filed under computing, history. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 274 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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