3rd July 2011

When the news feed is monochromatic

posted in media |

I checked the news feed before coming here this evening, and there was no news. Or rather, one story; the same story for days now. Yes, they’re young and rich, but could we please reset the pendulum, oh media moguls? Here; news from Quebec City: we had a few moments of thunder and light showers this evening. Thankfully, I’d already returned from getting the groceries.

It doesn’t matter. The brouhaha will be over in a matter of days, and I’ll be on vacation. Happy times for all.

In preparation for travels, I’ve started trying to learn about the Rock. This afternoon, a review of the literature. Not exactly, but going on YouTube for some Codco is just as valuable. I’m old enough to remember WGB (Wonderful Grand Band) and the Babylon Mall. As a hit, not as a place to visit. I might do that, anyways. Think there might be a bookstore to visit, and who knows what other treasures for the tourist might be waiting.

The Paint-a-thon is over, I’ve been told. Last evening, we had to recycle some empty containers at a local hardware store, but we arrived bit late and had to settle for making a night deposit. Almost met the local constabulary, as we left the lot. I made a joke about our tasking, when the patrolling officer turned left and parked… beside someone else doing something very similar. Night deposit, I mean. No, I didn’t stop to watch (although I wanted to).

Now I can sing that ditty about “It could bave been me” with newfound fervour.



This entry was posted on Sunday, July 3rd, 2011 at 21:26 and is filed under media. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 258 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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