10th July 2011

What about the other 99 flavours?

posted in food, politics |

Not exactly breakfast fare, but we did get out for a partial family meal before the end of the morning. The restaurant definitely isn’t in the Michelin, but the menu did boast of more than 100 varieties of poutine. For the record, mine involved meat loaf and Italian sauce. It’s become downright difficult to get the whole family together, now that we all have lives involving work, study and play (in varying proportions). Today was an 80% effort: quorum. No decisions were taken, but there were several new pictures for any eventual album.

With a hint of rain, I decided to place the carrier box on the roof racks after supper. Goes against my strategy of leaving the neighbourhood guessing about our departure date. Maybe they don’t care… In a different world, I’d have a secret underground garage for such preparations, but I’d also have a secret identity and a Lycra costume. For now, me standing in the driveway is as good as it gets.

Just finished watching a documentary dealing with the Wiki that leaks. Just try balancing the desire to tell all and sundry a secret or three with “the truth shall set you free”. Doesn’t always work. We (the public that actually read) now know far too much about the chaos of war. We also accept that knowing about it doesn’t alter the behaviour of those who carry arms. All that the leak has done is to make it harder for the next whistleblower. Pity.

I tried to reattach a damaged GPS antenna connector today. Those connectors are too small for real people to repair…


This entry was posted on Sunday, July 10th, 2011 at 20:24 and is filed under food, politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 265 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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