8th July 2011

How many channels with nothing on?

posted in humour, media |

The Boss said it best: “57 channels, and nothing on”. Double; heck, triple the numbers and the result remains the same. So what to do when the agitation begins?

Someone told someone that HD TV was much better, and now the question (what comes around, comes around) is back on our table. What if we upgraded to a better cable package? My argument that it will cost us more for less doesn’t seem to put out the raging fire. I’ve even gone so far as to print out the local cable system’s channel roster, and take a look at the (27 and counting) different package deals. Still; more for less.

Here in Canada, we’re under some obligation to “take” the basic, low number stations as a foundation layer. Then you get to put lipstick on the pig. Sure is a cross-section of the entertainment world. How many hockey channels are there? What about basic “fix up your house and turn it into a castle for only $$$ and time”?

We “lost” the C&W station sometime over the winter. Did anyone notice? Do we want it back? How about another cartoon channel (even though the kids are all grown up and no longer need a fix)? Why isn’t there a Gaelic channel (anywhere on the continent)? If I had Spanish TV, would I then be able to speak Spanish? Must ask the sales agent about that. Is there any benefit to a Space channel, now that the final shuttle mission is underway?

Maybe we can agree to spend the summer weighing our choices. Treat it like Fantasy Football. And then, when the trees begin to lose their leaves and we start to spin our cocoons for another round of cold and windy, the choices will seem rational.


This entry was posted on Friday, July 8th, 2011 at 20:27 and is filed under humour, media. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 292 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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