7th July 2011

Politicians can insult with the best of them

posted in politics |

Proof that politicians are just like real people; the way they insult one another. Today’s local newspaper reported on a series of local confrontations, and for the common man, these were truly common battles.

The mayor neglected to invite the local federal deputies to the visit with royalty. In truth, it went beyond a simple “I forgot to call” and came down to “You shouldn’t be here, now” when several of the newly elected showed up to get their place in the cake-and-ice cream line. Petty stuff, in the bigger context, but telling.

A local city councilor managed to speak out of turn, when the response to “You won’t be getting the Olympics any time soon” was answered by “We didn’t want them anyhow”. Truth hurts, when other “important people” don’t get to make the call to the press.

A former federal deputy took the time to show his sorrow in defeat, when he referred to his successor as “fat and ugly”. A true sign of class. I’m not sure if the remark is true, but it doesn’t need to be quoted and requoted and tweeted, in case his first announcement wasn’t clear. Yes, it’ s true. Politicians are a lot like you and me… in technicolor.

Made my first visit to son #2’s apartment this evening. He wasn’t there, but he now has wireless internet. I sure hope that’s what he wanted… sometimes parents are invasive.

One more day of woe work before my summer begins, and I am really ready. Composed my out-of -office email message this morning, and as soon as the ambient noise in my cubicle permits, I’ll be recording my voicemail bulletin. In both official languages, and with a certain joyful tone in my voice.


This entry was posted on Thursday, July 7th, 2011 at 21:37 and is filed under politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 285 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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