20th April 2010

More music than most weeks

Two evenings in a row; music I want to listen to, on network TV. How unusual is that?

Just yesterday, at the point where I was ready to shut it all down and try sleep as a form of exercise, up comes Kate Quinn, sporting a familiar accent. Then she switched (for an interview) into French, and I learned that this was a real, true, honest-to-rosin special with her cousin Natalie MacMaster and friends. Yes, Andrea and Troy and Howie can play, but Nat pwns!

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19th April 2010

Is honest politician an oxymoron?

I’ll try to avoid remarks about “what goes around comes around”, although isn’t it odd that the ash plume from Iceland has spiraled back from Europe towards airports in Newfoundland. No, this is more about “throwing stones when you live in a glass house”, and it involves our latest attempt at political scandal.

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18th April 2010

Thoughtful words from the Rexman

One of the small pleasures offered up each Sunday is Cross Country Checkup. Rex Murphy does an admirable job of keeping the wild ponies (callers) corralled.

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17th April 2010

No digging for buried treasure

Almost had a weather shock this afternoon, when the lawn turned white from a sudden fall of springtime snow. Only for an hour or so, but at least our manna was of short duration.

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posted in environment | Comments Off on No digging for buried treasure | 264 words

16th April 2010

Tracking what patch caused the hiccups

If only I could trust that Windows Update icon to save me time. Instead, I’m far too much at ease with restore points, troubleshooting, all the joys of maintaining a system that seems bound to break.

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posted in computing | Comments Off on Tracking what patch caused the hiccups | 254 words

15th April 2010

Hiding your riches under a basket might work

How many people do you need to grow money? Curious question, perhaps, but after reading the latest tidbits from the agency that “takes care” of my pension fund, I’m in the need to know. Over the last few years, investment funds have not been very efficient at the only task on their to do list. Oddly enough, despite the large number of professionals that dedicate their days to the job at hand, the percentage of return has been in the negative percentage range.

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posted in economy | Comments Off on Hiding your riches under a basket might work | 294 words

14th April 2010

Cool (hot) volcano in Iceland

It has come to my intention that the snow level picture I should have posted two days back didn’t make it here. Sorry… I couldn’t find any snow to photograph. All gone. Disappeared. Just a memory. What an uplifting thing to be able to say!

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13th April 2010

Put up or shut up, sayeth the minister

Finally, the gloves are off. After months of accusatory rhetoric from a former cabinet minister, the premier has told him to “put up or shut up”. In parliamentary terms, that’s raw.

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posted in ham radio, politics | Comments Off on Put up or shut up, sayeth the minister | 301 words

12th April 2010

The right hand knows not what the left hand is doing

Apparently, one sign of extreme obesity is that the individual cannot see personal appendages (where did the toes go?) I think that our provincial government may have a problem.

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posted in politics | Comments Off on The right hand knows not what the left hand is doing | 277 words

11th April 2010

Summer footware

Step into summer with sandals. White socks are optional.

Seriously, come beach weather, sandals are necessary. After all, there are laws about removing sand from provincial beaches. Bare soles test the temperature of sun-beaten sand, and sneakers require too much after-visit maintenance. My old sandals (comfortable enough in their time) have become a study in crazy glue and woodscrew repairs. After seeing a new pair that I liked yesterday, but unable to “grow” three sizes before closing time, I was really keen when the papers showed a “today only sale” of the same model, at 50% off the yesterday sale price.

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