30th April 2010

As inconstant as the weather outside

Only when you try to operate your own “server” does the reason behind the high price tags of commercial machines make sense. Something to do with reliability.

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posted in computing | Comments Off on As inconstant as the weather outside | 277 words

29th April 2010

An app for that

I’m starting to understand the utility of “There’s an app for that…”™. For the longest time, I lived in a world where the iTouch was just something seen in ads. But with the inevitability of all things fashionable, some of the family gave up their tried and true and went over to the “dark side”. Not me, but one does get sucked into the vortex.

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posted in environment | Comments Off on An app for that | 294 words

28th April 2010

Too much talent to let it pass

Parents should not take umbrage with the remarks of their children. Even if the remarks are posted on popular social networking sites, and deal with musical preferences. Instead, roll with the rock and get your dance moves on.

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posted in music | Comments Off on Too much talent to let it pass | 314 words

27th April 2010

Could you summarize that for the meeting?

I work around people that go to meetings. And when they are in those meetings, all too often somebody is determined that ideas will “go further” if the presenter presents, you guessed it, a Powerpoint Presentation. Let’s summarize this. Read the rest of this entry »

posted in environment, politics | Comments Off on Could you summarize that for the meeting? | 256 words

26th April 2010

Routine maintenance

In my future, I hope to look back on this period in my life and simply shake my head. That is, I hope to be able to look back. Part of the downside of deteriorating eyesight is that blur is more than a band name.

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posted in health | Comments Off on Routine maintenance | 288 words

25th April 2010

My valuable house

I think our house might be really valuable. It has something to do with painting.

There was a documentary on, about an hour ago, and the whole point seemed to be that people steal paintings. As if stealing them made them worth more. I mean, I have a whole house with painting everywhere; nobody has stolen the house yet, but when they do, I’ll be rich!

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posted in humour | Comments Off on My valuable house | 285 words

24th April 2010

I can’t place the face

When the whole community turns out to greet someone, I accept that we’re dealing with someone important. You know; in line for the throne, or winner of a neckful of gold medals. Tonight, while watching “La Petite Séduction“, I knew that I should know the guest of honour. But, but…

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posted in media | Comments Off on I can’t place the face | 258 words

23rd April 2010

Finally, a computer that is fast enough for today

I no longer can count how many times I’ve “saved” data for other people, but I can give great cheap advice. Back up your stuff, because your turn will come. Some day, when you least need the stress, your prized virtual world will unravel.

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posted in computing | Comments Off on Finally, a computer that is fast enough for today | 368 words

22nd April 2010

Getting back to your agrarian roots

An egg; proof that nature has considered all possibilities. There’s a certain pleasure in eating a fried egg. Conversely, there’s a certain terror involved in collecting that egg from its rightful owner. I remember…

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posted in economy, food | Comments Off on Getting back to your agrarian roots | 333 words

21st April 2010

Did they really keep the sky from falling?

Here’s a little secret: I’ve been holding up the sky. As long as it doesn’t fall down, you won’t be able to say if I’m right or wrong, now will you?

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posted in Idol, media | Comments Off on Did they really keep the sky from falling? | 260 words

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