31st March 2010

The year that spring came on time

I’m not positive, but that bird that was “hippity-hoppity” on the street yesterday morning might have been a robin. Looking lost, given the snow still covering the local lawns, but a welcome harbinger of seasonal change. But there’s snow, you say? I can only take solace in knowing that my neighbours haven’t had to shovel the front yards, this time around. By the end of the weekend, the only sign of winter will be my snow tires.

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30th March 2010

My wallet is lighter, pennies at a time

The provincial government announced their budget this afternoon. As I like to call it, the prediction of pain. A voice, with a litany. Read the rest of this entry »

posted in economy, politics | Comments Off on My wallet is lighter, pennies at a time | 268 words

29th March 2010

Reading the CV with a loupe

Sometimes an old story can’t be improved. Retelling the tale will not change the outcome, the moral. Instead, it affirms that the storyteller must have missed the ending, last time around. But, let me begin.

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posted in humour, politics | Comments Off on Reading the CV with a loupe | 394 words

28th March 2010

Random minor details of the humdrum

My life will never serve as the back story for a Hollywood thriller. At least, not when the highlight of the afternoon includes helping someone do their tax return, before getting down to the serious business of cutting frozen slabs of pork into small pieces for a curry.

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posted in technology | Comments Off on Random minor details of the humdrum | 260 words

27th March 2010

Does an absence of light mean darkness?

Locally, Earth Hour has ended. One whole hour without an excess of artificial light. Symbolic gestures are simple, but imagine if this event progressed. Rather than one hour per year, how about one per month, per week, per day. Maybe then we could move on to more substantial gestures.

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posted in environment | Comments Off on Does an absence of light mean darkness? | 275 words

26th March 2010

A cure for things I thought were in my past

And then we had the dreaded chickenpox. As kids, I mean. Back in those days, there was a checklist of diseases you were doomed to catch, just because you were a kid. I did catch most of them, and I was happy, because these were the “catch once and forget” category. As an adult, things were going to be smooth sailing.

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posted in health | Comments Off on A cure for things I thought were in my past | 275 words

25th March 2010

Silence does have its own sound

By one simple action, the noise went away.

Oddly enough, I was standing in the middle of our local Future Shop, where the ambient sound can approach the level of a small industrial shop. Surround sound, all the time. Ventilation fans, telephones, the kid in the car stereo section; all active simultaneously. And then, I placed the headphones on my head, and I heard music. Nothing else. Not loud, at the threshold of pain. Rather, at the level I’d use if I was sitting quietly, reading and feeding.

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24th March 2010

The place where silly ideas end up

Ask kids; school isn’t the most exciting place to spend the day. Apart from the uncomfortable chairs, the industrial lighting, the water fountains that never seem to jet properly, there’s the elephant in the room. Curriculum. Well, at the risk of boring a captive audience even more, I suggest that we include a small dose of civics.

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23rd March 2010

Sort the coinage

No sense in rushing towards a change of seasons around here. I mean, even if this is the closest we’ve had to May in March since I moved to the city, and even if the law now permits changing the winter tires out for something less cumbersome, this is the great white North. By lunch time, the ground was covered; by quitting time, I wished for my mitts.

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posted in Idol | Comments Off on Sort the coinage | 277 words

22nd March 2010

Got stones, got ice, let’s curl

In Souris, if the CBC got their facts right (it does happen, from time to time), the lost stones have been found. Cached, if you will, under the stands at the local arena. No diamonds in the rough here, we’re talking granite. Meant to last for a long time. Stones with handles, no less.

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