Time to put the cynic’s cap aside and join in a salute of Olympic proportions. After all, there’s more gold here than anywhere.
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posted in media, music |
The first cut wasn’t deep, but it was decisive. After a quarter-century, I’ve finally decided to start replacing carpet with wood flooring, one space at a time. The old is out, and the new will come (as soon as I get my head around the how).
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posted in environment |
I should have been standing by the side of the road, singing “Oh what a beautiful morning”. Instead, I found myself on the bus, stopped in the middle of the highway leading into the city, staring at a car headed in the opposite direction – my direction. Eye to evil eye. Just then, the announcer at CBC added my school board to the list of those already closed due to inclement weather. A matter of minutes make the difference between enjoying the whole storm day at home or on the road.
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posted in travel, Wx |
As I search the cupboards for the equivalent of a tea strainer, I’m reminded that “if I can’t be handsome, at least be handy”. Seriously.
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posted in sports |
We haven’t learned much about the penal process, all these years. I’m ignoring the mess we’ve made with humankind here; let’s jump to the animal kingdom. Animals don’t like to be kept in cages, even if the food is good. A prisoner will act out, and sometimes there will be tragic results. And, just like we learned in sociology class, there will be recidivism.
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posted in humour |
Thankfully I wasn’t calling about an emergency. After three rounds with customer service at a major printer company, I managed to waste a lot of time; not much else.
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posted in technology |
The local skyline looked different. Emptier. Buildings that have lived in the shadow of an old church for over eighty years were revealed to those who enter the city from the east this morning, after a busy weekend involving a good old wrecking ball. I wish I’d been there to watch, but some things just don’t get much advance notice.
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posted in environment, sports |
How many Canadian youth realize that lotteries used to be illegal? Back in the Sixties (when the British Invasion ruled in rock), there was a secretive activity known as the Irish Sweepstakes. I saw a ticket, once; this was a mysterious affair where buying a ticket from somebody could make you very rich. I never actually heard of anyone winning, which made the activity seem sort of senseless, but people need a dream.
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posted in education |
The earliest car I can remember would be a 1957 Ford. Saw one just like it this evening, while it was sliding into a swamp.
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posted in media |
Several summers ago, as I stood on a pier in Cape Breton, I felt a twinge of envy. Before us, a great masted ship, serving as a school. I would have loved to have been part of such a special classroom. Last summer, in Lunenburg, the same ship and the same sense of “I wish I had done that”. Today, another chapter in their story, and this time I’m glad to have missed the session.
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posted in education, travel |