Keep your eye on that wave
The first cut wasn’t deep, but it was decisive. After a quarter-century, I’ve finally decided to start replacing carpet with wood flooring, one space at a time. The old is out, and the new will come (as soon as I get my head around the how).
Before pulling anything loose, I started by removing an archive. Son #1 used to be in a band, and one wall in his (old) room reflected several years of concerts, shows, shout outs to others and a random collection of trivia. All down now, removed one staple at a time and carefully packed away. If I had my way, I’d sneak into his apartment and rebuild the wall, but some things are best left undone. A lot of his memories are in a bundle; time to choose a more portable way to display things.
Elsewhere on the planet, sirens were sounding. Out of curiosity, the news coverage this afternoon seemed to focus on a possible tragedy, ignoring an actual one. Even though Chile has just received a shakeout, rated at 8.8 on the scale that used to be Richter, CNN had all cameras bracketed on Hawaii. After all, earthquakes are so last year, whereas a tsunami has glamour.
Truth be told, I’ve watched the tidal bore. This was more of the same. Hours of interviews and camera views of a bay where a ripple passed, they believe. In a perfect American moment, the CNN announcer tried to demystify things with the help of a scientist. When the figure of 7 metres was mentioned, a clarification was necessary. “What would that be in English?”
Need I mention that the men’s team just won gold in curling, following the silver win by the women last evening.