Who knew? At the very moment where I’m awaiting delivery of a radio that serves as a scanner, I discover that the local good stuff is being streamed on the net. Kind of makes things redundant.
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posted in ham radio, politics |
Today was “boating in the pool” day at our house, as the kayak team practiced getting wet. Not much in the way of currents, but they had fun.
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posted in media |
This news just in (brought by the rising tide): the attempt to plug that leak in the ocean floor near Louisiana has failed. Heard on a passing wind: the new hurricane season has begun. The best laid plans of mice and men (and oil company engineers)…
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posted in ham radio, technology |
If only there was a magic wand around here somewhere. One of the efficient models, wherein a wave takes care of the accumulation of a busy family in limited space. In simple terms, a “clean up your room” wand.
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posted in environment |
There, another evening spent quickly. An unexpected side effect of having new things to do.
I’d received the call that a new microphone had arrived for the video project (not my project, but that’s a detail). Could I print out a map and we’d head for the back of one of the local industrial parks, where suppliers of expensive gadgets hide inside small brick buildings.
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posted in technology |
There was no Auto-Tune unit available, and the local TV station in upstate New York cut away to present tornado warnings. Everything to keep the rest of us safe from the final pitchy moment of Season Nine.
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posted in Idol |
A not so ordinary day. Shock and awe, natural style.
We’re in a period of unsettled weather; humidity through the roof, temperatures to make dogs pant, the odd bit of uncontrolled static electricity. After four power bumps since mid-afternoon, I’ve learned that one of our computers needs a new battery for the motherboard. Actually, I’m not used to surges. Back in high school, under the umbrella of OWLP, it was a given that thunder meant darkness. Here, not so much. The rest of the family actually got to leave their school early, when one bump saw (unsaw) electrical failure through half the building.
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posted in music, Wx |
Either you have it or you don’t. That’s the “divine right of kings” thing that keeps a certain group of kissing cousins richer than Croesus. And if you had it and then you didn’t, then you pull a Sarah. That’s the trick where you offer a meeting with the titled one in your marriage, in return for “£500,000”. So help me, you can’t make up this kind of stuff.
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posted in Wx |
As my uncle used to say, “There and back again, all in the same day”. Today was an Official Family Roadtrip Afternoon, the like of which hasn’t been seen hereabouts in a couple of years.
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posted in travel |
I’m fortunate to live in a city where cable TV is a given (at a cost). Not because cable is great, but rather because antennas are so last generation.
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posted in ham radio |