10th April 2010

A weighty name change in view

“To sleep; to die, perchance to dream”. Or how about “What’s in a name?” Big news in the scientific world, for one of the smaller members.

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posted in science | Comments Off on A weighty name change in view | 284 words

9th April 2010

Finally, some equality for shoppers

Does anyone else take offence from the wailing and gnashing of teeth going on in the driven world of Canadian companies that export? For the second time in recent history, our currency is running at very close to parity with the US dollar, and to hear them (can you avoid it?), the world is at an end because they don’t have as much “selling power” when it comes to cross-border sales. Suck it up! Why should I be forced to subsidize your bottom line, forever and ever amen?

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posted in economy | Comments Off on Finally, some equality for shoppers | 262 words

8th April 2010

Eventually my books will virtualize

Pretty sight this morning, with a few hundred snow geese busily refueling in the bay. We see these transients twice a year, coming and going. Rarely in flight, and never during the full daylight, but one more sign that a season is changing. My pool should be out of ice over the weekend, and we’ve seen ducks in there (once). Oh, and the tires are now “changed”.

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posted in computing | Comments Off on Eventually my books will virtualize | 281 words

7th April 2010

Big Mike dodged the big bullet

Irrational behavior – could living on a fault line be used as an explanation? Given the silly episode of Idol that just finished, I’m seeking some reason.

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posted in Idol, politics | Comments Off on Big Mike dodged the big bullet | 272 words

6th April 2010

Watching the travel unroll

Are you among the curious who see a contrail and wonder where the silver bullet might be headed? When a plane passes overhead, perhaps on approach to the local airport, do you try to read the markings, just in case? Welcome to the club.

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posted in travel | Comments Off on Watching the travel unroll | 306 words

5th April 2010

Life in the eye of the storm

Feeling confused, a little out of sorts? There might be a reason…


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4th April 2010

Reviewing the chariot races

I’m not alone in seeking movies with an Easter (sort of) theme. There’s nothing else on TV today. And, given the beautiful weather we’re having, I’ve done the exact opposite of those suffering from spring fever; I’ve stayed inside and allowed the magic of cinema to keep me entranced.

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posted in education | Comments Off on Reviewing the chariot races | 263 words

3rd April 2010

The right movie for the season

In keeping with the seasonal theme, I dug deep into the archives and dusted off the only rock opera with an Easter theme: JC Superstar. And now, after 100 minutes in the desert, I’m ready for something less seasonal.

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posted in music, sports | Comments Off on The right movie for the season | 275 words

2nd April 2010

So many ideas, so little money

Locally, the chocolate bunny commerce is at a seasonal peak. Two new “stores” within the kilometer, and I haven’t even been searching. We’ve gone in to see what the dream merchants have on display. Just knowing that I can have a hollow-body version of Homer Simpson, 300 g size for under $11 leaves me feeling all warm and happy.

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posted in environment | Comments Off on So many ideas, so little money | 277 words

1st April 2010

Almost fits

The story of my life, wherein I jump from one minor crisis to another. If it isn’t an oven that is trying to attract the fire department, or a garbage can that doesn’t empty properly because the huge whollops of foam rubber have expanded to fill available space, it’s something else. Each day brings another adventure, and I like it that way. I g uess.

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posted in economy | Comments Off on Almost fits | 282 words

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