Finally, some equality for shoppers
Does anyone else take offence from the wailing and gnashing of teeth going on in the driven world of Canadian companies that export? For the second time in recent history, our currency is running at very close to parity with the US dollar, and to hear them (can you avoid it?), the world is at an end because they don’t have as much “selling power” when it comes to cross-border sales. Suck it up! Why should I be forced to subsidize your bottom line, forever and ever amen?
After all, my wages aren’t better because I live in Canada. I may be naive, but I think I work as hard as my neighbours across the magic line. Why then, should it be expected that my dollar should always buy less? Right now, I’m please to see parity in those eBay quotes, and if I can find a better price across the line, I’m going for it. In passing, when the automotive industry stepped up to the rail for a little bit of extra cash last year, the proportion was equal, not prorated for a weak loonie.
Rant mode off. Back on again. Up in Ottawa, Stevie finally asked Helena the Horrible to step back and take a deep breath. She and the husband who doesn’t have to do the time to fit the crime have finally tripped on their own tails. Am I sorry for either one? Guess not.
Try #2. Rant mode off. It’s the weekend. Time to relax. Really. In a show of good faith, I’ve repaired one of the dog’s squeaky toys.