20th June 2024

I return to retro

The advertisement was brought to my attention period. My favourite company for photographic gear has just released a new camera body. The difference from what’s been going on over the last few years is that this is a return to origins. A film camera body . I had almost forgotten about that sort of thing. I bought my first camera body that used film more than 1/2 century ago and I made very good use of it. But I had access to a whole set of accessories. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the darkroom it is more than a room with the lights turned off. Anyone buying this new camera either must have very deep pockets to keep paying for someone else to process their film or they are if you’ll excuse the term cruel to themselves. I cannot tell you how many gallons of chemistry I have mixed over the years. I can also tell you that I have not mixed that same chemistry during the lifetime of my children who are now adults. It really is something from the past. I would say dark past that’s overkill. In the hands of someone who knows what they’re doing a film camera can turn out outstanding results. But, I would not mortgage my home to get back into the trade. I do not want to return to a life this saw me in the dark most of the time. If I were to buy back into the idea of a film camera I could continue to use my lenses that have been acquired over that time. The darkroom on the other hand is all gone either sold it off or gave it away to other people who did not realize what a lifetime of pain they were buying into. You cannot drink developer and you cannot drink fixer but you may consume a lot of beer in getting through the hoops. Why this ad came to my attention is from someone else who keeps thinking that the next best camera is just around the corner. I had to point out that we both had already been down that road and that when you retrace your pass you do not become better at it you just accept the familiar. I wish the company good fortune may this cell as many of this new body as they can get into the hands of their dealers period. I though will not be joining their ranks again I have gone decidedly digital. And if you wonder why just tell yourself that that quarter of a second to take a picture has nothing to do with the hours of getting a print into your hands. Technology has moved on and so have I. Yes I still remember all the rudiments and yes I could probably put a roll of film into a camera and give you back something of value but life is too short for such things.

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19th June 2024

Being prepared

The video I just watched, is careful to remind me that our bear spray would be out of date by now. That led to so many other threads. You see we have no bears here. We have not had any apparently for better than a century. And if you have a dog you might need to defend your dog but we don’t have a dog either so some things are really not needed in our inventory. Also when you cross the border they ask you if you are carrying any bear spray and we have always been able to say no because we do not travel with it. But what if we did? What if we had a sudden impulse in a sporting goods store to restock the bear spray we no longer have you see how this is heading I realized that I am probably safe from bear attack. If I know I’m heading into territory where the rules are different I will then re-educate myself. For now it’s just one of those details in the life of those who are prepared for every occasion. I figured out many years ago that by staying inside, being attack by a bear is not high on my list of dangers. And as for the dog he should know better than to provoke the bear. That would be my job preferably with a big stick. If I get into a camping goods store I will take the time to inform myself about the validity of my ideas. I will check to see if the people working in the store carry bear spray on their hip. A good sign because they would show whether or not the danger was high. Meanwhile I’ll just go happily on my way sure that in my backyard the largest danger comes from happy foxes. I did hear a coyote the other night but that might have been my imagination.

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18th June 2024


Living on this planet some tasks are very difficult. For example try to imagine not being familiar with automobile brands. We are surrounded by badges and we see them over a period that is staggering. A lifetime if you will. Now a small confession. I have never actually owned a car. I tended more to bicycles and passenger seats. However it is very difficult not to get hit by the waves of advertising and brand recognition. And brands evoke history. So, this afternoon I watched a number of videos about the history of various automobile brands. Starting obviously with the Ford. And if you look at forward you must also look at who were the leaders. So much I did not know. Actually no need to know because as I say I have never owned a car. But it is fun to do the dovetail part. Tying history to what goes on in the world. I wonder what it was like to live in a time when a car was not a major investment. Or when it was. A dichotomy. If I look in my own driveway I will find cars from different periods of time with different badges. All with the common four wheels and a body. I will watch some more of these videos because now I’m curious. The main question is how did I avoid getting sucked into the tunnel of ownership. Oh wait, I know, I had no money. It does not stop others who have financed their souls to have a car at a young age but I managed to resist. It’s funny the roads we take as the saying goes.

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17th June 2024

Gentle breezes

Today’s weather was and is wonderful. Sunny with gentle breezes and temperatures that made the air inside and outside of the house roughly equal. Paradise if you will. In sharp contrast I took the time to listen to that station down South that details how the weather has gone off the rails. A whole nation hit with the kind of weather you only write about normally. They’re breaking records almost everywhere. And my only worry is are we next. Will tomorrow’s forecast mean that I will have to start huddling in the basement. Who knows. Obviously things are a little out of control and there are those who want to make sure it stays that way. At least that’s my take on it. Every time someone talks about trying to mitigate global warming those with an iron in the fire rebel. They want their oil money. They want our oil money. Spend, baby, spend. Some people are not rich enough yet. That leaves me with another fear. What if they discovered that the weather up here is nice. Will they invade to take over our pristine beaches. It could happen. Outside the birds are singing and the lawn is growing and I realize that I have lucked out. I could easily have packed my bags and headed south convinced that I too could be rich. But I did not. Most of my family can still visit me because we are all eligible for passports that are respected. Think how much worse that could be. And so I should probably go back outside lay back and listen to the birds while the gentle breezes blow by. Will I? Who knows. I have become lazy. Exactly the kind of lazy that is fostered by ideal temperatures. Not much I can add to that. I live where I want to be and life is good.

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16th June 2024

Misplaced content


We all have things that cause stress. For each one they differ. Right now my own burr under the saddle is that I am missing two log posts. Posts that I know I wrote but I seem to have disappeared after a bit of bad Wi-Fi. An analogy for bad water I guess. Why does this matter? Well in part because I take pride in continuity. I tried to create a new blog post every single day. It is a part of my personality. The difference is that I have been doing this for very close to two decades. No missed days. I have had to do certain work arounds but I’ve got past them. Until now. I think that the two posts exist among all my other noise. The catch is that I do not actually see what I’m writing anymore nor can I easily go back and decide that that page needs to be re-inserted into the continuum. I will require some assistance at the local level. Someone else is going to have to go and read my idle thoughts. I know, this will change nothing for anyone else. But I have this desire to do something that is if you will solid. If I say to you that I have been doing this for two decades I do not want an if in the middle that says except for those two days. I want to fix this and in a world where what I see on screen is simply grey it becomes difficult. I have already decided that if the posts are no longer available I can create new content. I know the dates and I know where I was. Quite easy to tell you a story that is a few minutes long. One of the skills I have fostered in blogging. So what does this mean? Well it probably means that I am compulsive as opposed to creative. You can decide. I know that a lifetime ago creating a single page of text was a big job. Not anymore. I have the skills and the verbosity to make new articles out of almost nothing at all. You can probably see that if you read along. But I want my badge of honour back. I want to look at the title page and say that this represents continuity. Continually. Maybe this weekend or maybe next week. The original articles are still on my tablet albeit hidden from me.

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15th June 2024

The stock market

This afternoon I watched a video about evaluation of stocks. Wait, let me correct that. I tried to watch a video about the subject but my eyes started to glaze over within a minute. I actually have no idea about the process nor do I intend to learn about the process. Mark me down as either insufficient funds or insufficient interest. Not that interest rates that keeps fluctuating just the idea that I would want to know how to give my money to someone else in return for unsure partial ownership of the company. My own feeling is that buying a stock does not give me much control over the company and it does not guarantee that I will actually increase my own value. If I buy a stock for $1.00 and that stock increase in value by 2% I really have not gained very much. When was the last time somebody gave you $0.02. Up the ante. I invest $100 millions and it goes up by 2%. Now I have a tangible amount which has been degraded in value by time because stocks tend to go up and down like tides on the beach. Go ahead. Go down to the beach and try to calculate where the water will be in an hour. Good luck. And that is how I feel about the stock market. There is a reason why I leave investing to those who have more time in their hands. And yes as someone who is retired I have a lot of time but not enough to waste it going over the fine points of a company’s earnings and losses. They can pay someone for that kind of fun. I am more interested in the levels of food in my refrigerator which also fluctuates or in the amount of attention I get from friends and neighbours which also fluctuates. No need to play with imaginary money in the stock market. OK maybe I should watch the video. Perhaps I will learn something that will change my life although frankly, I am highly doubtful. If I’ve made it this far without understanding high finance I have probably learned enough in my life. Didn’t Leacock write an interesting short story about that very principle? I mean I do remember something from high school. Perhaps not stuff that will make me more valuable to others but I was there and I did my time on the hard seat of life. Sadly our desks did not come with padding.

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13th June 2024

Spending too much

Imagine that you belong to a professional group. Coloured a fraternal organization if you will. From time to time you get together for a luncheon or a banquet. And at each occasion there is this one member who spends time making comments about you. About your willingness to dress beyond your means or purchase meals from the menu that are overly expensive. Your plate is full so you say little but it goes great. Now expand that to your group having a world presence. And one member continues to demean you. Comments about your ability to spend money while with the group. I am drawing a parallel here. To an organization that Canada has belonged to for my whole life. A group devoted to peace as long as you are paying for theirs. You know who I mean. A group with the initials NATO. And one of our neighbours continues to make open comments or how we’re not spending the money that we should. We’re talking a lot of money here and if we were to start trying to emulate the spending of our neighbours we would bankrupt our nation. We have issues like everyone else but spending all of her extra cash on toys makes little sense to me at least. I wonder what we can do about such a situation. From what I have read simply not going to the meetings anymore would be seen as an affront. Did I mention that that one member is also perceived as being a bully at heart? Now you know who I mean. I wish things were different. This is an organization which claims to be there for the good of all. What is the point of saying that others have to match spending that is beyond your means at least. Keep an eye on this because the story is not over yet.

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12th June 2024

Assuring the heat

I have a reasonable level of DIY mentality. Not that I actually do many of the jobs myself but I want to know if I could under extreme need. I mean, I do have some hand tools and I am willing to try at least once and I rarely end up losing any blood. So when we heard from the RV dealership that we would need to replace something to do with the propane furnace and that there are two options I wanted to know more the options were obvious we could either drive over there which is several hours in each direction or we could have it done locally. That left me with the curiosity to know if I could do the job myself. And so I did what we all do. I watched some videos. I mean i’m not even sure which piece needs to replaced but if they’re going to send it to me in a box i could perhaps figure it out. And so I went watching. Like almost everything else in this world any job that can be done by a reasonably qualified technician can be done by someone who’s willing to give it a try. I could actually turn off the propane remove the out of use piece and put a new one in place. The major test to the tool involves some soapy water. How hard could that be? And so now that I’ve thought the situation through the rest you can rest easily. I will not be trying to do the job but I did want to know what was involved. Would this be an afternoon or a week and it looks like an afternoon once the long drive is done. The other alternative means forgoing cheap heat and remaining with electricity. I want to have both options. I will let you know when the job is done. After someone else has done the necessary work and the necessary testing and we know that we can simply be warm at night. I know, summer takes care of most of that but until we get into the hot days I want to worry about the cold days.

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11th June 2024

Getting the lawn trimmed

My role today is to sit and wait. Or more correctly to sit and sleep. We are waiting for our big green machine to get some service so we hired someone from the community to come in and lower the grass level period. My only comment is that people who do this for a living develop speed. I could see the flag go by the window much faster then I expected. I do not have a large acreage. Probably just over an acre when you calculate in the area for the driveway and the house. And we bought our more, used, going on seven years ago. As I said a big green machine which means that it runs until it doesn’t. My own guess is that we really need a new oil filter but I know little of these things. In fact I probably could not find the oil filter. What I do take care of is pumping up the tire that goes flat every few days. This is a machine with heritage. Getting it running is a much cheaper plan then going out and buying something with a fresh paint job. Although, that is not yet being discounted. Finding someone who would come in to do the area was not a big challenge. Young people earn money where they can and for someone with a trailer and a mower and are willing to go and wait for payment doing lawns is a good deal. Back in my day we shovelled snow but global warming has removed that position of authority. I suppose there were other things I could have done to earn money and I did find some but having a shovel and a willingness to go up the street meant that I could earn a few bucks here and there. Now going door to door with a lawnmower on the back of your truck is the new way of getting a little bit more cash. As I said, I have been waiting for someone to arrive. There is a man going to come by to have a look at our machine and all I have to do is be here to answer questions. And so I will wait as the afternoon dwindles I wonder if he’ll put it off until another day.

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10th June 2024

Articles from the past

Early this morning right around coffee time I received a question. Where would one go to buy a cash box. An empty one of course. I immediately responded that there was a place in the mall. It was pointed out that that place no longer existed. And then I had a second thought. I owned a cashbox. I no longer remember why or where I had bought it originally by doing one of the cupboards around here there was a brand new blue metal box with multiple keys period. A proper cash box period. The kind you would use if setting up a table at a school dance or something. Happily the box was right where I had left it. I decided to go there by touch and retrieve the article. And so I did. Something needed by one of the neighbours at her school for a garden plants sale so not to run a dance. That is so much a thing from the past. But in keeping with the way that I do not like to throw away things the box was there and in great condition and available to help someone else. Now if I could just remember why I bought it in the first place? I probably have a lot of things like that because over the period of a lifetime we purchase things that seem so purposeful in the beginning and then we lose focus after time. Please, do not ask why I seem to have the corner on the Morse key market. Also old musical instruments. In fact as proof that I do not throw things away easily, I believe there is a T-shirt that I purchased back when I began university. I like to think with pride that it still fits me but that is not been proven. It did have the right colours though although faded and I could have passed myself off as a freshman to someone who did not look beyond the printing on the screen or shirt. What about you? What articles do you have in the back of a closet that are there simply because once having purchased it you no longer have a reason to throw it away. Besides, where would you throw a metal cashbox?

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