10th June 2024

Articles from the past

Early this morning right around coffee time I received a question. Where would one go to buy a cash box. An empty one of course. I immediately responded that there was a place in the mall. It was pointed out that that place no longer existed. And then I had a second thought. I owned a cashbox. I no longer remember why or where I had bought it originally by doing one of the cupboards around here there was a brand new blue metal box with multiple keys period. A proper cash box period. The kind you would use if setting up a table at a school dance or something. Happily the box was right where I had left it. I decided to go there by touch and retrieve the article. And so I did. Something needed by one of the neighbours at her school for a garden plants sale so not to run a dance. That is so much a thing from the past. But in keeping with the way that I do not like to throw away things the box was there and in great condition and available to help someone else. Now if I could just remember why I bought it in the first place? I probably have a lot of things like that because over the period of a lifetime we purchase things that seem so purposeful in the beginning and then we lose focus after time. Please, do not ask why I seem to have the corner on the Morse key market. Also old musical instruments. In fact as proof that I do not throw things away easily, I believe there is a T-shirt that I purchased back when I began university. I like to think with pride that it still fits me but that is not been proven. It did have the right colours though although faded and I could have passed myself off as a freshman to someone who did not look beyond the printing on the screen or shirt. What about you? What articles do you have in the back of a closet that are there simply because once having purchased it you no longer have a reason to throw it away. Besides, where would you throw a metal cashbox?

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