26th June 2024

Ring fever

For several afternoons now my telephone seems to ring almost continuously . No big deal I know how to answer the phone but I am somewhat puzzled. Is this an uptake because we are at the end of a month? Do these callera have to make a quota? Let’s look at some of the positions they offer me. Should I be worried that there’s been a telephone ordered in my name from a famous online dealer. I can return it you know. And if my social number has been compromised does that mean I no longer have to pay taxes? Sounds like a plus to me. Oddly none of the callers seem to have answers to my questions. Also I am trying to figure out what they hope they can learn from me when I say I want to cancel an order. Is this some sort of weird ritual to test whether or not selling things to people via the Internet is a good business model? I think that one has been proven. You may wonder why I even bother to answer the phone and that answer is simple. The ring sound it’s not as much fun as you might imagine. It breaks my silent reverie. Perhaps I need a new telephone with a different ringtone. I have stayed on the line to the point where the line hangs up. I have asked questions from anyone that will talk to me. And I have never received are good answer for what information they really want me to give them. I mean, if you have my phone number and credit card number go ahead. Charge me for that fake phone but stop with the incessant phone calls that go on from morning to night. You have to pay those employees. I work for free. And so far you have not made much money from my side of the ledger. I will keep trying to figure it out though because I am really curious. And there you have it.

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